No trend has lasted quite as long as the seemingly universal desire to own a luxury handbag. Each year brings a new set of styles and there are certain fashion houses (think: Prada, Dior, Chanel and Coach) that consistently sell out of just about every bag they release.
Then there are the luxury handbags that have become timeless, such as Hermès Birkin Bag, Chanel Classic Flap and the Prada Cleo.
In fact, a report by Credit Suisse and Deloitte Private in 2022 found that Chanel handbags were among the most stable investments collectors could make, due to their lasting popularity. What’s more is that analysis by Precedence Research shows that the global luxury handbag market is expected to be worth US$57.28 billion by 2033.
Whether it’s a status symbol, fashion statement or collectible investment, one thing we know for sure is that the love of designer handbags is set to grow. So, here is marie claire’s edit of the luxury bags that you can shop right now.
Luxury Handbags You Can Shop Now
Gucci Horsebit 1955 shoulder bag, $5200 from Gucci
Prada Cleo Brushed Leather Shoulder Bag, $4950 from Prada
Coach Tabby Shoulder Bag 26 in Signature Canvas, $795 from Coach
Michael Kors Jet Set Charm Large Dome Crossbody Bag, $389 from THE ICONIC
Small Puzzle Bag in Satin Calfskin, $5850 from LOEWE
FENDI Fendigraphy in Medium Brown, $3360 (RRP $4,490) from Cosette
Small Lady Dior My ABCDior Bag, $9300 from Dior
Furla 1927 Tote, $609 from Furla
Gucci Jackie Small Shoulder Bag, $5200 from Gucci
SAINT LAURENT Le 5 a 7 in Crocodile Embossed Shiny Leather, $3154 from Cosette
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