15 investment handbags that will stand the test of time (and trends)

It’s been a known fact that purchasing a Hermès Birkin bag is a better long-term investment than the stock market. If kept well, a bag can have excellent resale value, sometimes greater than the original purchase price.

A luxury purchase that can stand the test of time and trends is

There are also many shapes and sizes on the market. Consider your day-to-day demands of a bag — a tote for lugging life around, or a special piece you look forward to dressing up with.

While the luxury field might feel overwhelming (and expensive) at times, look to local makers who are working high above their weight, such as Georgia Jay, Deadly Ponies or Yu Mei. Vintage and second-hand are also fabulous places to look — try The RealReal or Vestiaire Collective to scoop up those exquisite finds or current trending items (you can thank Carrie Bradshaw for the resurgence of the baguette).

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