Bollywood beauty Aishwarya Rai Bachchan made a bold statement against street harassment, addressing a pressing issue faced by both women and men during her attendance at an event in Mumbai on Wednesday. The actress commanded attention as she graced the red carpet in an all-black ensemble, opting for a black gown paired with an overcoat adorned with intricate silver detailing.
Upon her arrival at the venue, she wore a radiant smile and graciously posed for the awaiting photographers.During the event, she took the opportunity to express her views on harassment, stating, “I appreciate your presence here. This is a significant event as it addresses a crucial issue – street harassment against women. However, I also believe it pertains to both genders. What truly matters is that people should feel safe and protected.”
As the face of the global beauty brand, L’Oréal Paris, the actress actively endorsed the initiative promoting both men and women to intervene safely when witnessing or experiencing street harassment. This campaign represents the brand’s commitment to addressing this social issue by raising awareness, educating individuals, and fostering a sense of collective responsibility.
The event also featured the presence of actresses Aditi Rao Hydari and Shefali Shah.
Aishwarya’s participation in the event occurred shortly after her return from Paris, where she graced the runway alongside numerous international stars, including her niece, Navya Naveli Nanda.
The actress donned a stunning golden shimmery gown paired with a dramatic cape during the Paris Fashion Week. Her hair cascaded in waves, beautifully highlighting her blonde highlights.
Among the renowned celebrities who graced the runway at the Eiffel Tower during Paris Fashion Week were Kendall Jenner, Eva Longoria, Andie MacDowell, Helen Mirren, Aja Naomi King, Viola Davis, and many others.
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