Diary of a Miss – Croatia’s Andrea Erjavec documents her journey in El Salvador

Diary of a Miss: Croatia’s Andrea Erjavec documents her journey in El Salvador


Andrea Erjavec, a 23-year-old fifth-year student of primary education at the Faculty of Education in Zagreb, Petrinja branch, embarked on the most exciting journey of her life – to represent Croatia at Miss Universe competition in El Salvador.

“I am very excited and can’t wait to start the adventure of a lifetime! I have never traveled outside of Europe before, and this will be a truly unique experience for me, both because of the beautiful country I am traveling to and the new friendships with girls from almost 90 countries,” said Andrea a few days ago.

The Miss Universe pageant is no longer just about choosing the most beautiful girl. 

“At the global competition, these successful young women are proficient in several languages, hold multiple degrees, and are highly esteemed in their countries. They are chosen as ambassadors because they promote and initiate societal changes on their platforms,” explained Ivana Delač, the Public Relations Director of the Miss Universe Croatia Directorate.

Diary of a Miss: Croatia’s Andrea Erjavec documents her journey in El Salvador


Andrea shares her experiences in El Salvador and provides insight into the daily routines and obligations during the 72nd Miss Universe competition in her “Diary of a Miss”.

El Salvador

Day 1:

Finally, the day arrived for my journey to El Salvador! I woke up at the Esplanade Hotel, and the view from the window still showed the nighttime lights of Zagreb. Excited about the upcoming Miss Universe competition, I followed the styling advice from Studio Marcela and did my hair and makeup early in the morning at 2:45 am using tricks from Biba backstage. 

I chose a red jumpsuit, red lipstick, and awaited the Miss Universe Croatia team, who drove me to the airport. Unlike some other girls who probably brought thirty-three suitcases, I am practical and organized, fitting numerous Bariba cocktail and evening dresses, a stunning Matija Vuica dress for the preliminary competition, my national costume (which I’ll tell you more about in a few days), Pletix swimwear, and Baldinini shoes into just three suitcases.

After a 22-hour journey via Frankfurt and Houston, where I met girls from the UK, Belgium, Singapore, Australia, and Nepal, I finally arrived in El Salvador. The friendly staff and curious citizens of San Salvador eagerly awaited each of us, welcoming us with bouquets of flowers. Since I arrived late at night, I bid farewell to my roommate from Hungary, Tunde Blaga, and can’t wait to embark on this beautiful adventure together.

Day 2:

After breakfast, we received a schedule outlining all our duties. I started with the friendly makeup artists at Mub for hairstyling and makeup, followed by a half-hour interview. They asked numerous questions to get to know me better, covering topics like Miss Universe expectations, how my mom would describe me, and details about my family and home country. 

After a lunch break, I met some of the girls, sharing laughs and anecdotes. French contestant Diane’s luggage got lost somewhere along the way, leaving her with no clothes. She was informed that her luggage would arrive later, so she played it cool as if nothing happened. 

No worries, camaraderie shines through here, and she can borrow whatever she needs from me! We then went through formal registration, health checks, and interviews about personal details and off-stage comments for the TV show. Finally, it was time for the fitting, selecting dresses, shoes, and jewelry for the beginning of the Miss Universe competition. I wrapped up the day by recording a video encouraging people to vote for me through the mobile app.

Day 3:

Today was a bit more relaxed for me, having completed some official duties the day before. Before breakfast, I gave my roommate a gift from the Croatian Tourist Board and the Lika Tourist Board, and she was thrilled.

Tammy, our “mom,” greeted us outside the room to take us to breakfast. Each group of girls has dedicated staff affectionately known as “moms,” who assist us in every step and address all our needs. I’m in a group with my roommate from Hungary and girls from Lebanon, Mongolia, Nepal, and Greece. 

Diary of a Miss: Croatia’s Andrea Erjavec documents her journey in El Salvador


After breakfast, I had to wait in line for a fitting for the evening gown designed by the renowned Matija Vuica. I had the chance to see dresses from other girls, but I must admit that mine is the most beautiful. I took some time to rest and connect with family and friends. 

While waiting for my roommate to return after her duties, I did a workout in the room with exercises taught by my trainer at TT Exclusive Center. Afterward, we had dinner, and I’m sending you a video with the girls. My day ended with a warm shower and an early bedtime because tomorrow is an early wake-up, and we finally get to explore San Salvador.

Diary of a Miss: Croatia’s Andrea Erjavec documents her journey in El Salvador


Day 4:

Good morning, everyone! Today, I woke up around 5 am, probably due to the time zone; I still haven’t fully adjusted, and I have jet lag. Breakfast is scheduled for 7:30, and I shared gifts from Croatia with all the girls. After breakfast, we were divided into groups, and each group went to a different destination. We took a bus to a place called Suchitoto, where we learned about the local culture and the plant used to produce the color blue. 

Each of us received a white scarf, and we had the opportunity to make our own scarves. You can see mine in the picture 🙂 After finishing in the park, local stands awaited us with food and handicrafts. I have an anecdote for you: as we walked to the park, people filmed us, and at one point, my heel broke. But don’t worry, I didn’t fall; they immediately rushed to help me and assisted in changing into sandals. 

Diary of a Miss: Croatia’s Andrea Erjavec documents her journey in El Salvador


I had the chance to try various sweets and delicious dishes. The food here is entirely different from ours, with a variety of spices, but the flavors are fantastic. Finally, I tried Pupusas, a dish filled with cheese, and it was excellent. I received handmade earrings as a gift. Afterward, we went to lunch (yes, more food; I don’t know who said that Miss contestants don’t eat anything, hahaha) at Casa 1800. The view was beautiful, and the food even better. People in El Salvador are wonderful, warm, and kind. 

I assure them that people in Croatia are also warm and welcoming. We then did some filming and returned to the hotel. The police escorted us the entire time, and we didn’t even stop at red lights. Each of us is an ambassador for our country, and security acts accordingly. We have a lot of police escorts around us. When we arrived at the hotel, I had to choose a swimsuit for the preliminary competition, which will take place a few days before the final. The pace here is demanding, and every moment is filled, but I’m enjoying it. Tomorrow is a new day! Sending many greetings.

Diary of a Miss: Croatia’s Andrea Erjavec documents her journey in El Salvador


Day 5:

I must admit, the longer we stay here, the more I appreciate it! We have a lot of obligations throughout the day and are on our feet from early morning. I woke up around 6:00 to get ready for breakfast. After breakfast, we had an orientation with the President of the Miss Universe Organization, Paula Shugart. 

She delivered an inspiring speech! She shared how she started with Miss Universe, even rejecting the offer twice before finally agreeing on the third attempt, and look where it led her! After the meeting, we took a bus to Central Geotermica Ahuachapan. We had the opportunity to learn more about energy production. After the tour, each girl had the chance to sign the wall with the name of her country! Since it’s summer in El Salvador, the sun can be exhausting, so I caught a nap on the bus. 

When I arrived at the hotel, I had to freshen up again, put on makeup, and dress in a cocktail dress because we were invited to a welcome dinner with the President of El Salvador. Unfortunately, the President couldn’t attend due to wonderful news – he found out that his child was born! The dinner was enchanting, with a red carpet leading us to the table. Each girl had the opportunity to introduce herself by name and her country. I must thank the designer Marija Vujic, who dressed me beautifully.

Diary of a Miss: Croatia’s Andrea Erjavec documents her journey in El Salvador


Day 6

Good morning! Today was fantastic, I dare say the best so far! I woke up a bit later because the night before, we went to bed late. Tammy (our nanny, or as we affectionately call her, mom) was waiting for us outside the room and escorted us to breakfast. After breakfast, we all went to the Smile Train event. Did you know that every 3 minutes, a baby is born in the world with a cleft lip? We had a brief introduction to get acquainted. At each table, there was a child born with a cleft lip, but now they have a smile thanks to the Smile Train organization. 

Each of us had the task of decorating mirrors and writing a letter to a future patient. I had the opportunity to meet little Daniel, who is only 2 months old and has already undergone surgery. After the event, I went to the room to change into a short jumpsuit because we had a social media photo shoot. After lunch, I went back to the room to touch up my makeup, fix my hair, and put on another dress for the meet-and-greet at Multi Plaza. 

Diary of a Miss: Croatia’s Andrea Erjavec documents her journey in El Salvador


People welcomed us in large numbers. I can’t describe the experience! Wherever you looked, a crowd of people? They chose me for a group of 18 girls, and each had a chance to introduce herself and have a brief interview for an hour until the other girls were done. We were divided into 3 groups of 6 girls, each sitting on her chair, waiting for people to come. It was truly wonderful. Guess what? We received gifts again! Somehow, I feel like I’ll need another suitcase just for the gifts.

After all the girls finished, we headed towards the city. We went to the fountain where we watched a fountain show with accompanying music and lights. Then we went to the other side where we saw our flag and our faces on their statues. It was like in movies, lots of lights, music, journalists. Then we recorded a short video, also for Miss Universe, and had a short break to refresh ourselves, grab something to drink, and nibble.

Diary of a Miss: Croatia’s Andrea Erjavec documents her journey in El Salvador


And now, the fun really begins! We entered a bus with no roof but with a DJ. It was awesome, we danced, people followed us, and the view was beautiful. San Salvador is truly beautiful!

During dinner, I had the opportunity to meet the still reigning Miss Universe R’boney Gabriel. She is truly lovely. After dinner, we took some pictures and headed back to the hotel. Honestly, today was wonderful, but I’m so tired that I’m writing all this with half-open eyes. Talk to you again tomorrow.

Diary of a Miss: Croatia’s Andrea Erjavec documents her journey in El Salvador


Day 7:

Today started with breakfast and another gift. After breakfast, we lined up and took a bus to the venue. Our first day of rehearsal for the preliminary competition! From 9 am to 4 pm, we practiced the choreography. At 12:00, we had a lunch break and two 10-minute breaks. It was very exciting but also tiring because the previous day was long, and I couldn’t get enough sleep, just like the other girls. But “go with the flow,” and everything falls into place. Around 4:30, we were already in our rooms, getting ready for a big humanitarian event.

Diary of a Miss: Croatia’s Andrea Erjavec documents her journey in El Salvador


At 5:30, we were in the hallway, lined up alphabetically, waiting for our turn to board the bus. Fans were, of course, there; sometimes I feel like they’re camping or sleeping in the bushes in front of the hotel. The event was beautiful, everything was like a fairy tale, glamorous, beautifully decorated. This time, we didn’t sit together, but they placed 4 Misses with other influential people from El Salvador. Although everything was beautiful, we couldn’t wait to get back to the hotel because the day was really long! Tomorrow is a new day, and I can’t wait.

Diary of a Miss: Croatia’s Andrea Erjavec documents her journey in El Salvador


Day 8:

Today is the second day of rehearsal for the grand finale! Of course, the day started with getting ready for breakfast at 7:30. Tammy let us sleep a little longer, so I arrived at 8. I missed the gift with chocolates, but no worries; that’s why they say, “Early bird catches the worm!” We lined up alphabetically and took a bus to the rehearsal venue. As I mentioned before, it’s very interesting but also very intense. 

Everyone is lovely but strict—just order, work, and discipline. We had a lunch break, and then we continued practicing the choreography until 3:30. Some girls were free until dinner, while others went to Best Buddies, and I was one of those girls. I was genuinely happy when they told me I was going because my day was tough due to fatigue, and I knew the children would lift my spirits! We received colorful shirts and started! When I arrived there, I saw my name on paper, waiting for me next to a boy named Sami.

Diary of a Miss: Croatia’s Andrea Erjavec documents her journey in El Salvador


Sami has mild autism. He’s a wonderful fourteen-year-old boy who loves to travel, and above all, he would love to visit, imagine this, Croatia and, of course, meet our world-famous footballers. He greeted me with a personalized gift. I got a shirt to remember El Salvador, a bottle with Andrea written on it, and a cup with his and my picture. 

Diary of a Miss: Croatia’s Andrea Erjavec documents her journey in El Salvador


We had the task of painting love on canvas with colors (of course, we started with our footballers and the Croatian flag) and meanwhile talked about Croatian words and Croatia in general. He was overjoyed! Then we took pictures and went for gifts. 

Today, I received so many gifts that I don’t know where to put them, but luckily I have wonderful national directors, Marija and Vladimir Kraljević, who will bring me a new bag so I can carry everything. Then I went straight to the room for more gifts from the First Lady.

Unfortunately, we didn’t meet her because the President’s wife gave birth two days ago, and I sincerely congratulate her and thank her for the generous gifts! After taking pictures, I went to the room to change into an evening gown to go to dinner. I have to tell you that some girls are amazing; I love talking to them, listening to their culture. Today, I went to bed early.

Diary of a Miss: Croatia’s Andrea Erjavec documents her journey in El Salvador


You know what, in two days, there is the big preliminary competition, and we are all very excited. The preliminary competition is for all the girls, including an interview with the jury members, a swimsuit competition, and an evening gown competition. The results of this competition determine which of us 89 will enter the Top 20 and be announced in the grand finale. Wish me luck! I will definitely let you know the result!

XO XO, Andrea!

This post was originally published on this site