SOME PEOPLE think it’s risky to gift a fashion item. Those people are wrong. A thoughtful sartorial present can encourage your giftee to embrace, and enjoy, a piece they’d never buy for themselves. (To be clear, this means an indulgently sumptuous cashmere hoodie or a cool-buckled belt, not a scarf in a shade so horrible it shall not be named. OK, puce.) And you needn’t take out a second mortgage to secure such a special, substantial fashion gift. The following men’s, women’s and unisex finds all fall under $150, but none feel chintzy. Let the opening ceremonies commence.
Superbly Soft Cashmere Slippers for Not-So-Much Cash
Feet get a lot of abuse. Forced into shoes, laced into submission. If there’s a woman on your list who seems a little world-weary (or whose toes are known to run cold), treat her to these cashmere pink-ballet slippers that evoke fluffy clouds at dusk. Beyond being super soft, these puppies are squishily supportive thanks to two layers of underfoot cushioning. And their sleek design makes them equally suitable for playing hostess or cynically binging Hallmark Christmas movies. Slippers, $55,
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