NBT Music Spotlight: Eloh Kush – New Brunswick Today | New Brunswick, NJ Local News

Kushaun “Eloh Kush” Watson is a born and raised New Brunswick hip hop artist in the midst of a prolific stretch, releasing fourteen albums since 2018 amongst other ventures in books, fashion and labels. Last month, our music reporter Bennett Kelly sat down with Kush at the Hyatt bar, discussing his local roots and latest music, his philosophies in arts and science, his membership in the groups Angelz Inc. and Scienz of Life, and more. 

Bennett Kelly: We’ll start with some New Brunswick. Were you born and raised here?

Eloh Kush: Born and raised in New Brunswick, New Jersey. 

“Jersey Down,” 2023

BK: When and where was your first performance in New Brunswick?

Eloh Kush: Wow. My first performance in New Brunswick. Official performance or just first time getting on the microphone? 

BK: Yeah, that.

Eloh Kush: House parties. House parties on Seaman Street, Townsend Street. I’m from Townsend Street and I first seen the art of hip hop born there, at house parties and block parties. Which is ironic, from a brother named DJ Cheese. DJ Cheese is from Plainfield and he had the 12” record out, which is a black and white, just a record with a white sleeve. And it was a dope song called “Cheese Go Off.” And what is crazy about it is because Plainfield and New Brunswick have been mortal enemies in the streets forever. But that’s past tense. 

So the first party, I would say somewhere in the early 90s, Maybe like ‘94, ‘93, maybe ‘92, around that time frame. Definitely in the 90s the first time I’ve grabbed the mic in a house party.

BK: And then, you asked if it was a legit venue or not. Where would that have been in New Brunswick?

Eloh Kush: Official venue, it’s got to be Court Tavern. Court Tavern, Harvest Moon. The one down the street from the Court, I forgot what it’s called now? 

BK: Blackthorn? Old…

Eloh Kush: Old Bay. That was later on, but before, anywhere downtown that had a microphone, when they first started in the 90s, having these “Okay at nighttime we’re shifting to more like a lounge, live music situation,” those things. And then of course, tons of Rutgers college parties, here at the college. Whether it be that campus, or Unity Day, different things like that, man. 

BK: Unity Day [an annual event organized by Rutgers’ Black Student Union featuring DJ’s, local artists, dance troupes, vendors, food trucks and more], you just shouted out in “Jersey Down.”

Eloh Kush: Yeah! Yeah. Sometimes music is a time portal. At least my music, and I use other people’s music as hieroglyphics in the time portal, too. But for myself, I mentioned Unity Day in the song, because it was like I was there. And then you mentioned it, now you’ve heard it. That was part of my come up.

BK: When you’re out of town performing, I know that New Brunswick is especially known for its rock and roll basement scene, and used to be the club rock scene, when it was more clubby. But does New Brunswick have a reputation in the hip hop scene, when you travel around?

Eloh Kush: Absolutely.

BK: What is it?

Eloh Kush: Mmm, I would say that our reputation in the hip hop scene is, college. Colleges. Also will say Old Bay. Also will say Court Tavern. I would say Unity Day. Just different events. 

But prior to New Brunswick being a rock and roll or hip hop, it was a live band place. Parliament would come here, Sly and the Family Stone would come here. Big groups would come down here and play. It was all different types of clubs that we were raised around, like the Camelot, the Country, all these different places. Places you wouldn’t know about or the average listener wouldn’t know unless they researched. 

But, yeah, New Brunswick is known for being… It was known as a party town, period. Even in the days of George Washington. If you look at it, New Brunswick was a city of debauchery. If you really research New Brunswick’s history, you’ll see it’s a city of pure… Like, it was a hellhole [laughs]. It was a real rowdy spot. But it was also one of the access points to Trenton, so.

BK: And then you were part of, or are part of Angelz, Inc.

Eloh Kush: Correct.

BK: That’s kind of your main group?

Eloh Kush: Yes.

BK: What’s the lifespan of that? When did it start, what’s going on with it now?

Eloh Kush: Well, originally we were called the Fallen Angelz, when there was a lot of us, a whole bunch of us. But we’re all family. Once we went from a street hip hop group to an actual professional group, we minimized it to Angelz Incorporated. Angelz Inc. 

The group is still together. We’re always together. We’re brothers and cousins, so we’re always together. It’s just reforming. Life happens, some people take a break. We back in the lab now. The creativity never stops. 

I sort of look at it like the Grateful Dead or the Rolling Stones or something like that. You don’t ever stop. You’re always doing something, just because you’re not putting physical music out. But I’m always on the front line doing what I have to do for myself, and for the all of the group. That’s how it is.

BK: And then how about Scienz of Life? Were you officially a part of that?

Eloh Kush (left) and John Robinson in a 2017 Home News Tribune photo

Eloh Kush: Absolutely, yeah. I’m like the official fourth member of Scienz of Life. Those brothers are family to the core, too, like my Fallen Angelz brothers are. We all family, you know? And we travel the globe together. John Robinson and myself, we travel the globe all over. One of my albums I have out, he produced the whole album, which is a milestone for us because he did all the production on the album, and I rapped on it. It’s called “Ebony Ronin” [released 2019].

BK: Were you guys in Japan again this year?

Eloh Kush: Covid stopped that. Covid wasn’t this year like it was, but they still have certain restrictions, and it’s like… It’s open now, though. We were supposed to be over there, man, last year and this year. I put out an album with BudaMunk entitled “FLY Emperor 2” [2020]. We did part one, “Fly Emperor” [2018]. That’s when we first toured over there. And then we did “FLY Emperor 2,” and we were supposed to go back on tour, but then the regulations shut down everything, so it destroyed everything, you know.

BK: And then your discography, at least on Spotify, it really kicks off in 2018, I think you’ve had fourteen albums since then.

Eloh Kush: Yes.

BK: So what was the shift? Obviously you’ve been doing this for a long time, but why since 2018 so many albums? And how?

Eloh Kush: You know, sometimes in life, you identify your purpose, right? And then you start walking in said purpose. Like yourself. You’re a writer. You’ve been writing forever, right? You’ve just been writing, but you really started writing when you seen, like, I want to do this, when you see that I can do this. It’s almost similar as far as with hip hop and music. 

The creative burst was legacy. Truly, legacy. Because I’m a jazz head first. I’m a jazz lover, connoisseur. And a lot of my great heroes and inspirations have music that I discovered sixty years later. And their work, I model my whole career, my whole everything after some of the great jazz musicians that I’ve followed in my life. 

Dizzy Gillespie. Clifford Brown. My favorite, Lee Morgan. Archie Shepp, who is also my saxophone favorite. But these artists were, you know, they put a multitude of music out, hung it on the wall, and kept going. So thirty, forty, fifty, sixty years later, I’m discovering these albums. And that’s true legacy. How the hell am I even speaking about them sixty years later? And I wanted to achieve that. That’s what I want. 

Plus, I’m addicted to music. I’m addicted to doing it. I’m like, How can I get this? How can I do this? I made it happen. 

Plus, this is an ultra-competitive art form. And this art form is, if you’re not seen and heard right now, you can get swept underneath the rug easily, man. People can forget about your shit right now. This is one of the businesses of all forms that you have to be out and about. And I’m from that era where you had to come outside. If you say you were an MC or you rapped, you had to show and prove that you really was that.

Like you couldn’t just say, I’m in Oklahoma and I rap, and you’re behind the screen and you’re making this, and it could be seen everywhere. Because this [holds up his phone] is the blessing and the curse. Like, I could do a song here, and it’s in Czech Republic in the same time. But, this [phone] doesn’t allow you to go into the world and really get that mano a mano feeling, that true, instantaneous reaction. So that’s what I do it for, or did those albums for.

BK: This year is the 50th anniversary of hip hop. You were involved with the Hip Hop 50 New Brunswick group, and you performed at the show. What were your takeaways on the whole programming for that in New Brunswick?

Eloh Kush: I think I want to commend those four people. Ras Ujima. Ras Ujima is an elder in this. Silent Knight…

BK: General Sip Liquor.

Eloh Kush: Yeah. Those brothers.

BK: Henny Hardaway.

Eloh Kush: And Henny, yeah. I want to thank those brothers because they did something monumental for the culture of New Brunswick. I mean, the 50th is not over. It’s a celebration. It’s not just a one year celebration.

BK: One thing you said on your website is, “So much of what originally inspired me about the music – the powerful social commentary along with strong, soulful beats – has been lost over the years. My intent and purpose is to restore intelligence and integrity to hip hop.” That was also a theme of the HH50NB events.

Eloh Kush: Absolutely.

BK: I’m sure it’s a priority for you apart from just that one celebration. 

Eloh Kush: It is. 

BK: Are you part of any other educational programming?

Eloh Kush: The educational part of it is always. Everything that I do in my music, period. Each one, teach one, you know what I’m saying? It’s all the time. The education part comes from everything that we do. Everything is sound and education for me. 

My inspirations in hip hop are the great, quote-unquote, cultural or conscious emcees. Emcees like Chuck D Public Enemy, Wise Intelligent Poor Righteous Teachers, Brother J X Clan, Tragedy Khadafi, you know… Big Daddy Kane, KRS-One, King Sun, Lakim Shabazz, Queen Latifah. Mostly Jersey emcees. 

But these are some of the brothers that, in growing up in the art form, that I meet in real life and do music with. So it’s all 360 for me. It’s all 360 degrees of everything.

“Word Iz Life,” Poor Righteous Teachers (1996)

BK: You collaborated with Poor Righteous Teachers, right? Out of Trenton.

Eloh Kush: Yes. Well, Wise Intelligent directly. And we still have a great rapport to this day. He’s a great friend, brother, mentor to me in this business. So if I have a question about something, I can go to him. Or if I need some advice, or if I’m just talking to him about anything. And it’s vice versa. He’s not like, Oh, I’m above you, or this. He comes to me, we talk. We build all the time. Great rapport.

BK: Nice. And then another local influence question is about Paul Robeson.

Eloh Kush: Yes.

BK: Growing up around here, you see his name in a lot of places. When did you become aware of who he was, and what do you think about him?

Eloh Kush: I think Paul Robeson, as an icon and individual, he’s definitely a trailblazer in the science of being in the arts. What I didn’t know… see, I’m a Townsend Street kid, and we went to Roosevelt School. Paul Robeson’s was up by Feaster Park. That was a certain area, you had to know who he was in that area.

Paul Robeson is a trailblazer to me because I first was aware of him, literally in books, before I was aware of the school. And then when I seen the school, they named the school after him, but I still didn’t really put together as a child. I knew of him but as you grow as a teen into a young man… 

Eloh Kush in front of the Paul Robeson mural at New Brunswick’s Recreation Park. Photo by Jakell Foster

You see that’s that thing I was talking about, legacy, how you get stamped into legacy. And he stamped in, his work spoke so much, and his endeavors and his contributions to things spoke so heavily that they named the school after him. And this is not the only school named after him. But it’s important because he was a Rutgers graduate, and New Brunswick is a state of the art place.

BK: I lived in Princeton for a while, and he was born there. And there are streets and stuff named after him. After a while, it’s just like, man, who is this guy that he’s got all these places and why don’t I know about it? Then you gotta learn.

Eloh Kush: Why, right? They don’t teach us in school. You have to learn outside of that, man. A lot of my heroes are never taught about in school. A lot of the things that I’ve learned about who I am individually, that help to form the I am in myself, doesn’t come from the quote-unquote actual school system. It comes outside of the school system. It’s what I didn’t learn in school that helped mold me. Even in hip hop.

BK: One of the features of your website is having a reading list. People are always asking you to put them out there. And one of them is Sun Tzu’s “Art of War.” So I was curious, if there are any particular teachings that stand out to you? Not that I can recite any myself.

Eloh Kush: Particular one? There’s not one particular. Like, right now, I don’t see one because I apply all of them at any given time. Which is one that he teaches too; to be swift and interchangeable, to be able to shift in any given time but still move with force. 

Prime example. Let’s just use this right here. Like, okay, so I might have a show in here tonight, right? And I’m thinking, there’s twenty people here. Then I go out on stage, there’s 300 people. Same force, but now I have to shift my mindset and how I expunge my energy to people. Can’t just put it right here [taps heart]. I got to put it all on [waves out]. So that’s what it is.

BK: One of your lyrics, I think it’s in “Wordz,” off “PILLARZ,” but “I’m a poet, a scientist, a rebel to the core.” 

Eloh Kush: Mmhmm.

BK: So, poet is obvious because of lyrics and stuff. But how about the other two? What ways a scientist?

Eloh Kush: What is science? Tell me what science is.

BK: Science is uh… structured way of learning things.

Eloh Kush: And figuring things out. Accumulating a form of information. Have to test certain things. I-S-T means “perfection of.” So I’m a scientist in life, in mathematics, and Supreme Mathematics, in certain mathematics. Science of life, science of being an original man, science of how to deal with numbers. Prime example, this pool table, to master it, what is it? It’s mathematics, if you look at it. It’s all geometry. It’s angles. That’s the science you have to master. 

The rebel to me is just self-explanatory. It means rebelling against any non-truth. I’m not taking just your word for it. I may listen to you about something, but I’m not just taking your word for it. I have to find out the factology in that. I got to make sure that it’s not just a belief. Like right now, if I say to you, your car is outside, you know where you parked it at, but you don’t know. You’re hoping it’s there. That’s belief. Factology is that you look outside the door and you see your car. So the rebel in me is rebelling against a certain way of thinking, a certain way of being conformed to a certain mental prison that now I’m no longer part of.

BK: Thinking for yourself.

Eloh Kush: Absolutely.

BK: The scientist bit you just described, is that part of the root of Scienz of Life, what the name means?

Eloh Kush: Sure, some of it. Because the name Scienz of Life, it comes from one of the thought schools of the Nation of the Gods and Earths, and it teaches about self-value and the basic value of self. It teaches you who you are. Because for so long, we was taught who we are not. We were told who we are. My people. 

And I think that if you’re talking about hip hop, foundation of hip hop, the Nation of Gods and Earths or what were called the Five Percenters at one time, is entrenched in hip hop. It coincides totally. Like gang culture on the east coast, like some of the great gangs, the Black Spades, a lot of the different gangs. And even being here in Brunswick, that brother right there, Supreme Magnetic [friend sitting at the bar], he’s one of the founders of the culture of hip hop out here, you know? Just happens to be my family. He can tell you some things. 

BK: Did you play any jazz instruments or other instruments?

Eloh Kush: Played the trumpet. Played the saxophone – alto sax. Trumpet was my first instrument. I changed from the trumpet because I was in awe of Clifford Brown, to tell the truth. A lot of people will say Miles Davis. I mean Miles Davis, absolutely. But Clifford Brown, and Lee Morgan, Lee Morgan to the point more, because Lee Morgan was self-taught at fifteen. He’s one of the first child prodigies in jazz. And then the saxophone, Archie Shepp. Horace Silver. The great Hank Mobley. I could go on. 

BK: I know Charlie Parker played in New Brunswick at least once. And New Brunswick was ostensibly a jazz town, back in like the 50s.

Eloh Kush: Mmhmm. Absolutely.

BK: Before rock and roll, kind of. So a lot of history.

Eloh Kush: Yeah.

BK: You still play it, too?

Eloh Kush: No, I don’t play no more like I used to. I don’t play anymore, like I was playing when I was younger. I feel kind of off about that. But I’m entrenched in jazz, I listen to jazz every day. And I do something for my followers, which goes back to the education question that you have. IG, on Instagram, I have something called Sunday Jazz Suggestions. Every Sunday I post something from my archive, or my mind, or some great artist that I’m listening to today, or something I want you to know about. That’s my education. 

You know, just hip hop is my way of life. Hip hop is my culture. Everything I do is hip hop. The way I drink a beer, have a sip. How we’re talking, my posture, my dialect, everything is hip hop. The way I blink, everything. 

But jazz is part of the great… It’s the great grandfather. Well, let me not say that. Jazz is the father of hip hop. The grandfather of hip hop is blues. Howlin’ Wolf and those guys. But I take my time and I strive to do my part. I want to do my part. And one way I educate and aware people of the great art form of jazz is I do it every Sunday. Sunday Jazz Suggestion.

BK: And then a couple song questions now.

Eloh Kush: Yeah, take your time. I’m with it.

BK: Speaking of horns, “Jersey Down.” 

Eloh Kush: Wooo.

BK: Single from August off your latest album 

Eloh Kush: Yeah. PILLARZ. Reckonize Real, Eloh Kush, “PILLARZ,” the EP.

BK: You’ve got horns on that song, and record scratching. And a lot of artists featured on that song. So I was wondering how it all came together? It’s kind of a Jersey anthem, a lot of cities are mentioned, shoutouts. 

Eloh Kush: Yeah, that was intentful and purposeful. So “Jersey Down,” we have my good friend Ransom representing Jersey City. We have my good friend Nucci Reyo representing Rahway. And we have my great, great brother, friend in this art form, Left Gunnz, Lefty Two Gunnz is representing Piscataway and Newark. And I’m representing Brunswick. So I have a great relationship, a great rapport with all four of those brothers. DJ Ives is on there doing the scratches. The production is done by Reck Real. 

I think it’s just a great thing. I don’t think we as Jersey, especially MCs, as artists, we don’t get enough of the actual recognition as we should get. A lot of artists that come from Jersey when they make it mega, a lot of people think they’re from New York. Bruce Springsteen, Whitney Houston, the Fugees. Frank Sinatra. Joe Piscopo. Whatever. Joe Pesci. These are Jersey people. So it’s just the anthem that I felt like we needed. I just felt it in my heart to do that. So that’s what we did.

BK: I had a roommate in college from Queens and I was like, Yeah, Sinatra, he’s from Jersey.

Eloh Kush: Yeah.

BK: And he said, But he’s not singing about Jersey! He’s singing about New York. So touché. So it’s nice to have another Jersey anthem.

Eloh Kush: Absolutely. 

BK: Another song from this year, “Custom Of The Game,” which has that nice piano in there. It’s a very dreamy kind of song. I was wondering what the meaning of that phrase is, “Custom of the Game.”

“Custom Of The Game,” 2023

Eloh Kush: “Custom Of The Game” is produced by Clypto Beats, brother from California. Great young producer. We work together, he produced a whole album for me entitled “LIVE FROM THE WHIRLWIND” [2021]. He’s also the producer of the Clark Connoisseurs trilogy [2019-present] with myself and Supreme Cerebral. 

“Custom Of The Game” is just, I’m speaking about the injustices of what happens in the so-called music game. I was inspired by De La Soul, how they just got ownership of their name and just were able from Tommy Boy Records, to actually stream their music and get paid from their music. 

And to be in the Custom of the Game, you have to be aware of the business side of the ship. Because the business side would bury you. You see a lot of disgruntled MCs, disgruntled people. But a lot of that time they’re disgruntled because their business is not together. And the business aspect of it is really, really the important part.

BK: Another song this year is “Osiris & Isis.” 

Eloh Kush: Mmhmm.

BK: It’s also kind of a dreamy beat.

Eloh Kush: Yeah. Produced by Clypto Beats as well.

BK: Ah makes sense. And then I think it’s funny how Isis has got all these chores for you in that song. You gotta go to the vitamin shop. You gotta teach her about crypto. You gotta book a trip to Jamaica.

Eloh Kush: Yeah, yeah.

BK: And you had some funny reactions in there, too. What inspired that fun little back and forth?

Eloh Kush: Just being a lover of women, a lover of intelligent women. Just my natural reaction to certain things. I want you to be able to relate, when you come home or you’re somewhere, you’re with a female, she might not necessarily be your woman, but she’s interested in your day. And this is a natural reaction. You might have a girl, your girl might say, Hey, we got to go to Target. Okay, let’s go, what do we gotta get.

But the Osiris and Isis reference is to the higher deities, the higher self of a person in relationships. You’re trying to deal with each other on a higher frequency. That’s why it’s called “Osiris & Isis,” because those are two…

BK: Egyptian gods. 

Eloh Kush: Yes. And goddesses. So it’s like, Yo, if we’re going to deal with each other, let’s deal. That’s why what we’re going to the store for in the song is about herbs, cryptocurrency, Jamaica, like, well-being. So that’s what I strive to just put into the world. 

BK: Are you a beat maker yourself? 

Eloh Kush: No, no no no. That’s not my… You know how you know what you’re good at, what your field is? Production is not for me. That ain’t me.

BK: How about lyrics? Do you have lyrics ready to go and then apply them to a beat? Or do you get a beat first and think what might work? 

Eloh Kush: Both. It depends. Like the stuff I just did for the producer in France, those were custom. Those weren’t pre-written songs. And sometimes I do that. Sometimes I don’t want to have something pre-written, I want the beat to tell me what it is I need to say. Other times I already have an idea, and I’ll be like, Hey, I’m saying this, I want to talk about this. Make something for that. 

BK: In your listening habits, do you listen to more underground-independent hip hop, or more mainstream, Drake, J. Cole, that kind of stuff? 

Eloh Kush: I can tell you that I listen to everything, whether intentionally or unintentionally. I could be home listening to Willie the Kid or Scarface, but I might get in the car with a woman, and she’s listening to Drake and whoever. 

I listen to everything because I’m in the music business. I’m a musician. My ears are not segregated, you know what I’m saying? I listen to everything. Now, will I continuously listen to everything? No, but I hear everything. And I just know that certain things are for certain places for me musically.

BK: Such as?

Eloh Kush: Like, I don’t want to hear a certain… Okay, let’s say trap music, I guess, whatever that is. I don’t want to hear that in the lounge. I want to hear that in a club or a gentleman’s club or something to that degree. And my music is not probably for the gentleman’s club. But everything has a place where it’s supposed to be put. 

BK: True. And how about the singer on “Osiris & Isis,” who was the performer?

“Osiris & Isis,” 2023

Eloh Kush: Was there a singer there? Oh, that was a sample.

BK: Oh, it was?

Eloh Kush: Yeah. That wasn’t a live person. 

BK: The female character?

Eloh Kush: Oh, the one who was answering my questions? 

BK: Yeah. She’s the one telling you that you gotta go to the store.

Eloh Kush: Oh yeah, yeah, that’s an acquaintance of mine [coyly]. That’s a good friend of mine.

BK: Not partner? Just a friend, making music together?

Eloh Kush: Just a good young lady I know, you know? She doesn’t do music, though. She was just there. A vibration. I mean, the woman is important to the forward movement of everything. So to have her on the song was just like… 

In the studio, she was there, the creative thing came to my mind. It was, Do this, and that’s how the song came around. That song I had done already in my head, some of it. When we went to the studio, the song was completely done besides that part, that part wasn’t done.

BK: So you kind of came up with the spoken word part then.

Eloh Kush: Right on the spot. One take. 

BK: One take?

Eloh Kush: Like whatever we said that’s what it was. Because I think as long as you can have authenticity, you can eradicate fool’s gold. As long as you be authentic. Because you could feel it, you can feel the authenticity of someone, or else it’s just like some pushed-together stuff. 

BK: So, born and raised in New Brunswick, and live here now. Do you live in the city? 

Eloh Kush: Yeah, yeah.

BK: What do you think is ailing New Brunswick right now? Any changes you’d like to see happen?

Eloh Kush: I know gentrification is a blessing and a curse. It’s a cancer, but it’s also soursop, which is the thing that you use to eradicate cancers. It’s a natural element.

BK: What is it, sour? 

Eloh Kush: Soursop. S-O-U-R-S-O-P. It’s a Caribbean fruit used to eradicate… look it up. You’ll see what I’m talking about. 

I say that because I love New Brunswick, but I don’t like how a lot of the cultures are being eradicated by the new things. I do understand the science of change. I’m not oblivious to that. But I would love to see New Brunswick retain some of its ground roots along with the new things and beautiful, great things that they’re doing. 

But one of the things I also want to stop is a lot of the conflicts out here. I’m always striving to show a lot of the young brothers and sisters behind me, that what I wrote in my room has taken me around the world twice, you know what I mean? And you can do anything. Anything. And my job is to inspire the next generation. That’s what I’m striving, that’s what I’m here for. Through music, and also through my acts. 

You know, because I’m an author as well. The first book I wrote is called “A Few Dayz in the County Maze.” And the whole purpose of that is to disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline, through experiences. Because if I tell you, I say, Bennett, I come to you and be like, Yo, I want to do blah, blah, blah. But if I’ve never done it, you can’t believe me if you want to do it. So if you want to be a glass maker and I go, oh, you could do glass like this, but I’ve never done it, are you really listening to me? So if I’ve survived some stuff that you’re going through, you’re more likely to take advice from me than the person that’s never done it before. So that’s what I strive to do. Help them out.

BK: What is next for Eloh Kush?

Eloh Kush: Working on a plethora of different albums. I have a lot of different albums I’m working on right now. The label is up, Noetic Music Group is here. I’m looking forward to bringing some artists out right now. Artists that you’ve heard on my album. Seshat Ali, the great poet, she’s one of the artists coming out on Noetic Music Group. She’s a great poet. Fact, he’s coming up next, young artist. Bringing him out. He’s really dope. You can check some of his stuff out.

And I also just have a vault of music I’m ready to release. But everything is in timing, and everything is in divine timing at that. I’m just looking to better myself as a businessman, as an artist. I’m looking to better myself as just an overall being. Just an overall person, to be the best version of Kush that I can be, and leave legacy and generational wealth. Create that.

BK: Yeah. That’s one of your lyrics, in one of the songs.

Eloh Kush: Yeah, man. Yeah, man, it’s important.

BK: And then that’s kind of the end of my list. How about just, is there anything we didn’t touch on that you would want to say?

Eloh Kush: I think we covered the bases. I just want to tell the people, go to elohkush.com, sign up for the mailing list, stay in tune with what I’m doing. I do this only on the strength of, first I do it for myself, then I do it for the fans. 

And, support great indie artists, man. As an indie artist, we literally live verse to verse, song to song, man. You buy my song, you really help me [laughs], you know what I’m saying? You download my song, that money goes into my pocket to help the next endeavor. Or you buy a book or a CD from me that might help go towards the light bill [laughs]. So support great indie artists, because that’s what we are. To give and get. 

And also check out my live shows. It’s like a mixture of Archie Shepp and Thelonious Monk and Guns N’ Roses. Like, come get a full blast, man. 

Ben Kelly reports on music for New Brunswick Today. In 2022, he won the first place award for Best Arts & Entertainment Coverage for his coverage of the New Brunswick music scene, from the NJ Society of Professional Journalists.

This post was originally published on this site