The Birkin bag from Hermés is one of the most sought-after designer bags but it looks like the company could be in trouble as its being sued for being too exclusive.
Many celebrities, such as Jennifer Lopez and Kim Kardashian have been seen sporting the highly expensive Birkin, but you can’t simply walk into a Hermés store and buy one.
In order to have the ‘privilege’ of getting your hands on the luxury bag, which can cost between €9,000 to €460,000, buyers must purchase other Hermés products first, meaning the more you buy, the more you become eligible to buy a Birkin.
But now two people in California, Tina Cavalleri and Mark Glinoga, are bringing the French designer label to court, accusing them of antitrust and unfair business practices, saying they are using the exclusive Birkin bag to entice customers into buying more of their products.
According to the Daily Mail, the lawsuit against Hermés accuses them of taking advantage of the ‘unique desirability, incredible demand and low supply’ of the Birkin bag.
Tina said she spent tens of thousands of dollars on Hermés products in the hope of obtaining a Birkin and Mark also attempted to buy one but was told on multiple occasions ‘he needed to purchase other items and accessories,’ according to the lawsuit.
In each case, they were told by the sales assistant that to buy the Birkin handbag, they had to have the right purchase history with the brand, causing the shopper to buy other items, including shoes and scarves among other items.
Tina and Mark are seeking monetary damages from Hermés and a court order which would require the luxury brand to cease the exclusive practice.
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