The video, soon after getting shared on social media, went viral almost immediately. The woman especially received love and appreciation from Telugu people and fans of the film, while the rest simply loved the details with which the artist drew the film’s characters. The post was shared a while back and pulled 321K likes from people.
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Taking to the comment section, people shared their take. “Indian audience will love you for this,” a user said. “She used the Malayalam version of the song,” added a second person. “Finally someone pronounces an Indian name correctly and those nails are exceptional,” added a third person. “I can’t believe you got kappa on there lol that’s so cool but u missed Bahlla,” added a fourth user.
“WHAT WHAT WHAT YOU ABSOLUTELY DEVOURED THIS NO CRUMBS LEFT. As a Telugu girl I am obsessed,” added a fifth person. “I don’t know what to say. – like I genuinely am at a loss for words,” added a sixth user. “BRAVO!!! From the Telugu community, we LOVE you for this. You nailed it,” added a seventh person.
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