‘Anything Julia Donaldson touches turns to gold – The Baddies is no different’

This charming introduction to musical theatre for younger children is a colourful and entertaining show. The story centres around three main characters, a ghost, a troll and a witch. True to Donaldson’s other stories, the characters are deeper, and friendlier, than they first appear. As the story unfolds in this relatively short production, which is an ideal length for the very young, the songs and dances engage and entertain in equal measure. 

It is a charming mix of storytelling, musical theatre and pantomime. There are some lovely audience participation moments, and the smooth set changes add to the narrative. The characters are brought to life with obvious passion and enthusiasm by the small but very talented cast. 

Standout performances were from James Stirling, as a Ghost, a Cat, and a Mouse, who transitioned seamlessly between roles, and I am certain the younger members of the audience didn’t even notice it was the same talented performer. Lottie Mae O’Kill was another who stood out. Her story telling as Mama Mouse was perfectly paced and her voice would not be out of place on any West End stage. 

With effective lighting, well-crafted sounds, entertaining choreography and colourful costumes, this show is sure to appeal to the very young audience for which it is intended. 

My young companion at the show was five-year-old Wilf, who was clearly enjoying the show and commented that his favourite character was the Ogre, who we don’t actually see, but the sounds were enough for his young imagination to fill in the gaps, which is a testament to the engagement the show creates.

The intimate and always beautiful surroundings of the Theatre Royal in Winchester add to the experience. Its intimate feel makes the audience feel part of the show, and the cast make sure that everyone feels fully involved.

This show is a lovely introduction to the Theatre for younger audience members.

The Baddies is at Theatre Royal Winchester until Sunday, March 23. Book tickets online at theatreroyalwinchester.co.uk or call 01962 840 440

Review by: Peter Nicholson

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