Promising review: “Best buy EVER. Saw this on TikTok and had my husband get it for me. This machine is AWESOME and I will definitively say it’s worth it! Your personal bar tender!” —Jessica
BuzzFeed writer Hannah Loewentheil owns the Bartersian and LOVES it: “When I first caught wind of the Bartesian premium cocktail machine ($349.99 on Amazon), my first thought was does anyone actually need this gadget? But after trying it for myself, I can say the answer is a firm YES, and here’s why. I love making cocktails at home, and while I’m no bartender, I feel very comfortable shaking a spicy margarita, stirring a negroni, or whipping up a Pisco sour. But making craft cocktails at home requires many (often expensive) ingredients, bar tools, time and effort. With the Bartesian though, you can make fancy drinks with the click of a button — literally. Once you turn the Bartesian on, it prompts you to insert a cocktail capsule. The smart gadget recognizes the cocktail you’re trying to make and will ensure you’ve placed the proper spirit in the bottle (I know, it’s mind-blowing). Next, it prompts you to choose your cocktail strength (there’s even a mocktail option), and to place a glass with ice underneath the spout. Next, the Bartesian will start pouring your craft cocktail. The whole process takes about 20 seconds and it’s all very exciting. With many bars closed and people quarantining or feeling hesitant about going out to eat, this gadget allows you to make professional-quality cocktails at home.“
Get it from Amazon for $354.99.
And don’t forget your to grab a six pack of cocktail pods for $14.99!
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