Episode 4 of Baddies Midwest, titled BaddieMania, aired on November 17, 2024, showcasing escalating tensions among cast members. This season of the Zeus Network reality show focuses on the ongoing rivalry between the OGs and newcomers as they navigate personal dynamics and conflicts.
In this episode, Summer engaged in a physical altercation with Jazmin before targeting Yoshi in another heated argument. During her confessional, Yoshi remarked, “I don’t have to fight because I’m a bad b*tch in other ways,” expressing her reluctance to engage in fights to prove herself.
As tensions rose, Natalie Nun, a leading cast member, attempted to mediate the situation. Arriving at the scene, she observed the chaos and asked, “What’s going on here?” before attempting to resolve the conflict. Despite her efforts, Summer and Yoshi’s disagreements persisted. Natalie later addressed the cameras, expressing concerns about the escalating tension before the contestants even entered the house.
The episode also featured a confrontation between Jela and Ivory. After an initial altercation, the two resolved their differences, with Jela stating, “I don’t have any specific issue with Ivory. Let’s move forward because we don’t even know each other for real.”
Fans eagerly await episode 5 to see how the OGs and newcomers will continue to interact. Viewers can stream Baddies Midwest exclusively on the Zeus Network and follow cast members on social media for updates and behind-the-scenes content.
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