Baddies Midwest, a reality series on the Zeus Network, follows a group of women traveling across the Midwest, hosting events and engaging in various activities. The series focuses on their professional and personal lives, highlighting interactions and conflicts between cast members.
Damerlin ‘Biggie’ Baez, a recurring participant in the Baddies franchise, was among the central figures in the show. She hails from Providence, Rhode Island, and is 28 years old. Her nicknames include Big Biggie and Big Dominican.
Biggie first joined the franchise through Baddies West and continued her appearances in subsequent seasons, including Baddies East and Baddies Caribbean.
She brought attention to her Dominican heritage and professional background as an event planner. Fans followed her journey through the series and engaged with her updates on Instagram at @pvd_biggie.
Biggie’s professional career and contributions to the Baddies Midwest
Damerlin ‘Biggie’ Baez worked as an event planner and security guard before joining the Baddies franchise. She entered the series through Baddies West Auditions and was selected as a main cast member.
Her participation in the franchise extended to Baddies East, Baddies Caribbean, and Baddies Midwest, where she navigated various interpersonal dynamics and conflicts.
According to Biggie, her career as an event planner allowed her to display her organizational abilities throughout her professional journey. During Baddies Caribbean, she visited the Dominican Republic, reconnecting with her family and cultural roots.
Her role in the franchise expanded over time as she participated in auditions and served as a judge for other seasons of Baddies. Beyond her television appearances, Biggie maintained an active social media presence, sharing content about her personal and professional life.
Biggie’s personal background and interactions on Baddies Midwest
Biggie, born on September 12, 1996, in Providence, Rhode Island, maintained a connection to her Dominican heritage throughout her life, as she mentioned. She shared this connection through her style and references to her family ties, which she openly displayed during her participation in the Baddies franchise.
Fluent in Spanish, she further explored her cultural identity during Baddies Caribbean, where she visited Santo Domingo, the city her family called home. In Baddies Midwest, Biggie joined the cast in their journey through the Midwest, participating in group activities and contributing to the ongoing interactions among the cast members.
Her storyline often addressed conflicts that carried over from previous seasons, including her rivalries with Rollie Pollie and Stunna Girl. These conflicts were part of broader dynamics involving other cast members, where alliances and disagreements often intersected.
Biggie’s contributions to the Baddies series reflected her ongoing involvement in the franchise. Fans continued to engage with her journey on the Zeus Network, where the show streamed its episodes.
Biggie’s presence in the latest episodes of Baddies Midwest
In the latest season of Baddies Midwest, Biggie’s interactions with fellow cast members have been a focal point. Notably, in episode 4, which aired on November 17, 2024, a confrontation arose when newcomer Summer challenged Biggie to a one-on-one confrontation.
Biggie declined the challenge, leading to mixed reactions from both cast members and fans. However, tensions have also surfaced, such as a disagreement with Akbar V, who questioned Biggie’s decision during the confrontation with Summer.
Viewers can watch all the episodes of Baddies Midwest streaming on Zeus Network.
Edited by Prem Deshpande
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