Best statement-making handbags

Every international designer bag brand emphasises its brand history and heritage in an attempt to put value to its products and convince consumers that its products are worth the prices they escalating. When you look at the quality of the leather or finish styleof the bag, maybe it’s just a good quality trendy bag which holds a very realistic production value.There are various types of bag lovers, some truly admire the brand’s history as a status symbol and only go for luxury brands, while some focus on the quality of the bag and buy everything which they find fanciful to add more beauty and variety to their bag collection and then there are bag lovers who couldn’t be bothered about brands or their prestige and they will adore homegrown brands, value the quality and feel proud about being confident enough to choose good quality Indian brands which can offer trending styles and textures of the material. If you find yourself in the last category, then this selection will help you to choose your next buy. There are a few modern, ethicalhandbags that stand out for the ways that their existence has shaped the Indian accessories industry and how consumers perceive, carry and shop for bags in India.

After 2015, the beef ban allegedly rendered a lot of leather workers jobless. Artist and activist Sudheer Rajbhar searched for a material that could replace the leather and possibly provide opportunities to these artisans from backward communities. In 2017, a recycled rubber material made from waste close to leather and its feeling properties emerged as the heart of Chamar Studio. A dialogue surrounding skills and crafts from artisans, a designer and a new material to be tamed began. Chamar is a will of conserving crafts from a ban industry and community. Chamar creations and collections are activism flags of different realities of social movements taking place in the mindset of people from the community. Recycled rubber from the industry leftovers or discarded materials handcrafted cultural crafts heritage from the
Dalit community. The brand assures that it’s cruelty-free despite being a rebellion against the beef ban, it is waterproof for all seasons. Easy wash, easy repair, gender neutral and trendy with strong brand values in terms of style, quality and durability. In India ‘Chamar’ is an ethnic slur used to describe the Dalit community ostracized by the caste system. But the brand has made it their signature pride with the aesthetics they hold today.

Luxury handcrafted accessories that blend chic with bold. Leisure-luxe being their key idea, Kaabia and Sasha Grewal, Co-founders Outhouse Jewellery a dropped a collection of ultra-modern fashionable handbags, featuring carry alls that expand its iconic repertoire. She has been mindful of the choice of fibre she is using for these stunning statement bags. The raffia is a natural fibre obtained from palm trees. Raffia is made in tropical regions where palm trees are found in abundance, especially in West Bengal. Raffia is originally cream in colour and is dyed into the vibrant colours used in their glamorous bags. The brand’s vision while introducing ‘The Holiday’raffia collection is to be cruelty-free, harm-free and sensitive to nature. The Chanakya – shopping & retail has OUTHOUSE handbags which are speaking of ethical luxury.

Irth- House of Titan
IRTH got launched with premium bags last year by the House of Titan. This year, the brand has dropped its canvas edit and it’s an easy breezy styled day bag which could be gender-neutral. These selected styles are light to carry and easy to use, the rich cotton Canvas is of the finest artistry if you look closely, you will find delights woven into every detail, the most charming of them being naturally tanned genuine leather detailing and metallic trims with rustic reddish brass finish. IRTH Canvas edit has been crafted in India. Designed with multiple compartments and pockets, it offers ample storage space to keep your essentials organised and easily accessible. It’s thoughtfully designed for bag lovers of today to elevate their everyday use. Designed with a deeper understanding of finding things easily, delivering premium quality at an affordable price. IRTH caters to consumer from every walk of life, who has a journey of their own. It’s giving perfect styling solutions with 9 months warranty policy against manufacturing defects.
Even designers like Anita Dongre, Sabyasachi and Manish Malhotra have expanded their creative genius towards designing their branded bags and loyal clientele of such brand names seem to love their bags. Since the 1930s handbags and evening bags have been essential fashion accessories for women. Practical in purpose and unique in design, they are embellished but novel in shape and sculpture. Designing on a dime was the way of the 1930s and women’s bags reflected these constraints during the day while casting them off in the evenings. With changing eras and times bags are the most important statement pieces for men and women. They evolved from tiny styles worn in the house to the practical sturdy styles we are celebrating with pride today.

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