Nagpur: Helping an old acquaintance and his family, who were suffering financially, turned out to be expensive for a 38-year-old builder after the family fled with cash and jewellery worth Rs35 lakh recently. Mankapur police have registered a case of criminal breach of trust and burglary against the acquaintance, whom the builder considered his elder brother, and his wife.
The accused was identified as Shashikant Joshi, 52, and his wife Shivani, 40, while the complainant is Sagar Karokar, a resident of Prakash Nagar. The accused couple and their two children are untraceable.
Cops said the accused and the complainant hail from Tumsar. Karokar had grown close to Joshi, who is an astrologer, and his family. Around a year and half ago, the Joshi family moved to Nagpur, but they were struggling financially. So, Karokar, who was living alone and did not have any close family members, asked them to stay with him. He also promised to take care of the education of Joshi’s children, aged 13 and 18.
“Joshi and his wife had keys to all the lockers and the house. On June 2, Karokar went to Tumsar for his grandmother’s funeral. When he returned, he found the jewellery and cash missing along with the Joshi family,” said police.
Karokar called Joshi, but his mobile was switched off. He then approached Mankapur police station and registered a complaint. Police are searching for the accused.
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