Five lessons for brands from YouTube creators

Above: Compelling narratives are integral to a successful YouTube presence.

5. Practice perseverance 

It is surprising how many brands still see YouTube, a platform with more than 2.7 billion worldwide monthly users at the time of writing, as a dumping ground for 30-second ads. And with audience scale comes the ability to monetise the channel, ultimately allowing the content to pay for itself.

Studying the cream of YouTube influencers is a useful exercise for brands in how to improve their online presence and build stronger connections with audiences. The regularity with which YouTubers post and engage with their viewers is a lesson in the patience and persistence required to succeed in today’s social video-driven landscape.

Building a successful YouTube channel takes time and dedication.

Building a successful YouTube channel takes time and dedication. Just as YouTubers make time to engage with viewer comments, brands should focus on consistent, long-term efforts over quick wins, actively responding to feedback and comments whether on the platform itself, or through additional social posts or other forms of brand communication.

Jenna Marbles, one of the original YouTubers, built a fanbase over many years of consistent engagement. Although she has now left the platform, people continue to share compilations of her videos on TikTok and beg for a comeback to YouTube. By addressing her audience consistently and being honest and transparent when she made mistakes, she has built a brand that has effectively outlasted her YouTube presence. 

Creating a cohesive brand experience that resonates with your intended audience means understanding your brand’s personality, values and target audience inside out. If brands take only one learning from YouTube, it should be the level of intent that goes into being consistent enough to elicit meaningful, positive engagement. 

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