Amidst the heart of the drama in ‘Katheyondu Shuruaagide‘, actor Bhavish Gowda has emerged as the character Samrat, injecting a dash of intrigue and flamboyance to the storyline with his baddie portrayal. In an exclusive conversation with ETimes TV, Bhavish shares his insights on embracing a negative character, his career journey, and the unexpected audience response.
With a prior stint in a leading role, Bhavish contemplated his shift to the antagonist’s character. He revealed, “Considering I previously played a lead role, I did have my reservations about taking on a baddie role in ‘Katheyondu Shuruaagide.’ However, upon watching the original Bengali show, I was drawn to the character. I felt it was an opportunity to explore and portray a different dimension.”
He emphasized, “Many prominent actors found breakthrough moments in their careers by portraying negative characters. Though I am not an established actor yet, I saw this as an avenue to diversify my acting repertoire. My intention is to give my best in every character I portray.”Reflecting on his preparation for the character Samrat, Bhavish revealed, “There wasn’t extensive preparation specifically for this role. Samrat, while being an ordinary man, has a penchant for flirting with young girls. While this aspect was new to me, I’ve adopted a laid-back approach to the mannerisms and nuances of the character.”
Addressing audience reactions to his negative role, Bhavish expressed his gratitude for the unexpected positivity. “Fortunately, despite portraying a negative character, I’ve been spared from negative criticism. Instead, viewers have expressed enjoyment in witnessing my portrayal of Samrat on screen. Some have even wished to see me as the story’s hero. Hailing from a non-industry background without a guiding figure, it’s incredibly humbling to receive such love and support from the audience,” he summed up..
Bhavish’s willingness to explore uncharted territories within his acting career, combined with the resilience to adapt and excel in roles, reflects his commitment to his craft, earning him appreciation and admiration in the ever-evolving world of television drama.
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