Hellboy Web of Wyrd Punches Up a PS5 Release Date in October

October continues to fill up. The latest game entering this particular month is Hellboy Web of Wyrd, the roguelite brawler with an art style to match Mike Mignola’s comics. It’s coming to PS5 on 4th October 2023, as revealed in this new trailer.

The video shows Hellboy (voiced by the late Lance Reddick) fighting his way through various supernatural monsters, clobbering baddies with his Right Hand of Doom as well as shooting at them with a pistol. There’ll be a combo of melee and longer range combat, then, and as mentioned, this is a roguelite, meaning cyclical runs through ever-shifting stages as the story progresses. It looks pretty promising from what we’ve seen so far.

Oddly, the trailer doesn’t mention the PS4 version, which was announced alongside everything else back in December. We’re unsure if this version will release on 4th October, a later date, or perhaps has been shelved — we’ll update the article if we find out.

Anyway, are you excited for Hellboy Web of Wyrd? Let us know in the comments section below.

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