Players, especially those going solo or in smaller parties, feeling a bit overrun by the sheer number of bugs or bots swarming them during some missions in Helldivers 2 has been an issue for a little while now. Thankfully, now Arrowhead’s got some time on its hands again, it’s planning on looking into switching up spawn rates again, with the aim of getting them into a window the community likes.
Prior to the whole hoohah regarding PSN and Steam account linking – which folk are hoping one of the features in yesterday’s patch might mark the end of – another patch had tweaked spawn rates. Now, it looks like they’re headed back to something like their pre-patch state.
Arrowhead’s revealed its plans to revamp how many baddies and patrols the game will fling at you at once via an announcement in Helldivers 2’s Discord server by community manager Twinbeard. “As many of you have noticed, something has been off with patrols and spawn rate for some time now,” they wrote, “This primarily leads to more enemies rearing their ugly heads than they’re supposed to, indirectly to players feeling overrun, kiting, and subsequently less fun gameplay.”
Outlining that the issue has affected everyone – even if smaller groups and solo players have noticed it most prominently, and that a “hectic” few weeks have delayed the team looking into it, Twinbeard said that Arrowhead has “concluded that it’s not working as intended and we’re changing it”. “There might be some minor tweaks, but overall we’re reverting back to how patrols and spawn rate worked before the patch that changed them a few weeks ago,” they revealed, “We believe that this is more or less how you currently want them to be.
“We also know you want us to do things and changes properly instead of rushing them, and we do as well. Therefore, implementing this will take some time. We want to give it proper testing and review it … ah heck, simply see that it works this time,” the community manager added. They closed things out by saying: “Even if this means we’re faced with more bugs and bots than even the bravest of citizens would deem realistic for a while longer, we hope you’re happy with us fixing the problem.”
So, there you go. If you and your mates have been struggling to overcome the bug and bot hordes since Patch 01.000.300 boosted spawn rates for crews of less than four players, you should hopefully be a lot less overrun soon.
In other Helldivers 2-related news, Sony recently revealed that it’s surpassed God of War Ragnarok to become the company’s fastest selling launch game ever.