How to spot a fake when buying a secondhand luxury bag

As much as we love the instant gratification of going into a shop and picking up the newest it bag that has been pictured across social media, there’s a certain charm that accompanies a beautiful, well-designed vintage bag.

And it doesn’t just apply to bags but clothing, jewellery and shoes too. Sure, you could have the latest Givenchy release but there’s immeasurable cachet when it comes to owning a vintage Chanel made in the 20th century.

To help you on the quest of collecting the best vintage designs that luxury brands such as Hermès, Christian Dior and Yves Saint Laurent have to offer, we’ve consulted Ace Tan of Oldsowhat, a local collector who specialises in collecting and selling vintage clothing, bags and accessories, to give you tips on ways you can ensure your piece is authentic.

Trust us, you’re going to want to bookmark this piece before diving headfirst into a flea market, vintage fashion or an antique store.

After all, you don’t want your hard-earned money to go down the drain because you can’t tell a fake from the real deal.

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