How to tell an original designer handbag from a knock-off

A woman’s bag can say a lot about her personality. The design, the shape, the way you carry it and sometimes even the colour can tell people more about you.

If you’re carrying a luxury designer bag like Channel, Gucci, Bottega Veneta, Prada, Coach, Teflar and others, it’s always very clear and unequivocal that you’ve spent a lot of money on it.

However, there is a stereotype in the luxury world in Kenya that most designer items are either fake or cost an arm and a leg, which has fuelled an appetite for original luxury items that are second-hand and more affordable.

Counterfeiters have become increasingly adept at mimicking luxury brand logos and styles, but there are some indicators that can help you spot a fake designer.

Tracy Nyang, who sells imported secondhand designer handbags, shares some insights.

“Genuine designer handbags are made from premium materials, they’re branded and some may have QR scans and brand code numbers,” she says.

In most cases, she says, price should not be the deciding factor.

“You need to look at design and quality. Most people say they can tell genuine leather by the look, feel and smell, but you should also look at the colour of the original handbag and the consistency of the stitching,” she adds.

Ms Nyang also says it is important to study the original designer’s image to be able to compare features with the bag you are buying.
“Sometimes spotting the difference requires concentrating on simple details such as a misspelled designer name, they might also use a slight difference in the logo, for example a fake Michael Kors bag would have an ‘M’ hanging from the handle instead of ‘MK’.”

Compared to the cheaper and counterfeit bags that many would prefer because of their lower upfront investment, designer bags have proven to be more durable and last longer.

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