In a quirky turn of events, a mischievous individual in South Florida decided to spice up a white Chevy Silverado by giving it the appearance of a US Border Patrol truck. However, instead of maintaining a serious tone, the prankster adorned the sides with the words “Booty Control.” While the modified vehicle has become a hit at local car shows, the DeSoto County Sheriff’s Office isn’t amused, sparking a debate between party poopers and those who see it as harmless fun.
The sheriff’s office took to Facebook to seek information, asking the public if anyone had encountered the Booty Patrol truck engaged in activities that might be considered impersonating law enforcement. They highlighted the truck’s appearances in various counties, providing snapshots as evidence.
What adds a twist to the tale is the revelation that the Booty Patrol truck allegedly sports blue and red lights—a detail that sparked concern among authorities. In Florida, state law strictly prohibits non-law enforcement vehicles from displaying blue lights, and the combination of red and blue lights is a recipe for legal trouble.
Supporters of the Booty Patrol, however, argue that the truck is all in good fun, even with the unconventional lights. They insist that it’s a show truck and claim there’s no evidence of it being used to conduct fake traffic stops. While the supporters maintain the customizations are harmless, authorities caution that impersonating a police officer is a serious offence, and claiming it’s a joke won’t necessarily ward off legal consequences.
On social media, debates rage on, with some arguing the obvious humour in the Booty Patrol design and others suggesting it might not be as clear-cut in a legal context. Regardless of the divided opinions, one thing is certain—this Booty Patrol truck has become the talk of the town, leaving South Florida residents both amused and bemused.
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