I Fell Victim To The Barnard Bob: Here’s Why You Should Too

As it turns out, there’s a few reasons why the Barnard Baddies can’t stop chopping.

Any Barnumbia student who knows anything about fashion, hair, or outward appearance at Barnard knows about The Barnard Bob (also referred to as “The Barnard Chop”). At some point—and I believe this wholeheartedly—every Barnard student will fall victim to The Chop. But why? Why do we feel the wildly aggressive, liberal arts need to cut off all of our hair? Well, as of November 2nd, 2023, I understand. On that fateful day, I cut off six inches of hair and became the proud owner of a Barnard Bob.

I have some theories about why we do this. Most are pulled directly from my own experience, but I’ve come to some of them purely by observation.

  1. It’s one of the only things in our control – I like to equate being a first-year and living on campus to being in kindergarten again. You pretty much know nothing, everyone is always telling you that “you can’t do that,” and all anyone really wants is a nap. But you know what you can do in kindergarten? Take some scissors to those beautiful locks and haphazardly show everyone that you do, in fact, have control of something
  2. All the other pretty girls have one – There’s nothing like some good old fashioned peer pressure to incentivize a rash decision. Every time I saw someone on campus sans six inches of hair, I got closer to doing it myself. It got so bad that I made a Pinterest board. Now that’s a cry for help. I only lasted two and a half months, by the way.
  3. I live in New York now, damnit! – Something about moving to a new city—in which no one cares about how the next person looks or expresses themselves—makes a girl want to do something drastic to her appearance. It’s not always The Chop (tattoos are a popular choice as well), but it is often The Chop. Slap on a pair of big headphones, some Sambas, and a huge wool dad-jacket and you’ve got yourself the Barnard woman of 2023.
  4. How else will everyone know that I go to Barnard? – At the end of the day, it’s a rite-of-Barnard-passage to do The Chop. Walking up and down Broadway with what some may consider a fuck ass bob is an inherently bold, brave, and Barnard experience. I’m proud to have a huge billboard signifying that I am, in fact, a HWC student on my head. 

Now, I know everyone is begging to know, Riley, is it worth it? Do I need the Barnard Bob?

My answer to that question is, and forever will be, yes. At the very least, having a Barnard Bob feels like a rightful experience to have as a young person in the city. On the most genuine of notes, experimenting with personal expression is beyond important and Barnard feels like the place to do that. Cut off all of your hair, get sixteen new piercings, or get that flower tattoo that everyone seems to have. At the end of the day, The Barnard Chop is about taking control of your self-expression. Plus, it’s fun to be a Barnard Bob Bitch. Embrace it. 

Image via Bwarchives

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