Baddies, a reality TV franchise by The Zeus Network, released its sixth season (dubbed Baddies Midwest) on November 3, 2024. The show follows a group of young women who live together and host several promotional events, frequently leading to verbal and physical fights.
In an interview posted on November 4, 2024, with The Buzz, Tesehki opened up about what reality TV fans could expect from the latest season of Baddies. She expressed delight in releasing new music and gaining new fans through the show. The singer wouldn’t disclose much about her conflict with sister Chrisean Rock.
When prompted further, she talked about her conflict with a new cast member, Badd Dolly. Tesehki admitted to having bonded with most of the new members but revealed that she had an altercation with Dolly, who was picked from the Baddies Midwest & Gone Wild Auditions.
“I had an altercation with a girl named Dolly. But it’s crazy because I liked Dolly. I did, I really did like her and sh*t happens,” revealed Tesehki.
What happened in the first two episodes of Baddies Midwest?
Natalie Nunn launched the latest season by announcing an extensive road trip itinerary covering Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago, Milwaukee, Indianapolis, St. Louis, Michigan, and Honolulu. She warned cast members that crossing boundaries would result in immediate elimination.
“This season I don’t know what to expect. I don’t even know who still has beef or if there is any beef between these girls. I’m excited ’cause we’re back. It’s season 6, b**ch,” stated Natalie.
As introductions ensued, Natalie expressed her desire to surpass previous seasons’ successes, acknowledging the uncertainty surrounding existing conflicts. Rollie Pollie hoped for improved dynamics, seeking cast members who wouldn’t blindly follow others.
The group’s first destination was Oklahoma, where they would meet Chrisean, Tesehki’s real-life sister and rapper. The siblings’ ongoing feud stemmed from Baddies East, where Tesehki accused Chrisean of orchestrating a physical altercation.
Natalie claimed that Chrisean had reached out, seeking to resolve differences with Tesehki, citing improved mental well-being. Natalie aimed to mediate, arranging a sit-down between the siblings.
Tesehki’s friends, Biggie and Ahna, offered support, citing concerns about Tesehki’s “PTSD” from last year’s incident. Biggie clarified her presence was solely for Tesehki’s emotional well-being. Tesehki appreciated her friends’ solidarity, feeling reassured after their conversation.
Later, Chrisean arrived with her baby, proclaiming personal growth and a desire to be a better mother. During the tense sit-down, Chrisean refused to apologize for past actions when her friends jumped on Tesehki. The siblings’ disagreement deepened, revealing deep-seated emotional wounds.
The episode concluded with a stunning revelation. Chrisean accused Tesehki of molesting her sister at age seven. The latest accusation left the conflict unresolved.
Previously, viewers of Baddies East witnessed the intense sibling rivalry between Chrisean Rock and Tesehki. In a prior episode, a then-pregnant Chrisean confronted Tesehki, accompanied by a group of friends.
Tesehki vowed to sue Chrisean for the allegations, claiming video proof of Chrisean’s plot against her. Chrisean refused to engage further, which Tesehki perceived as disrespectful. The latter decided to walk away from her sister as she couldn’t get her to communicate.
“What are you talking about? That’s the best thing about this situation is you know you full of s**t. Let’s talk about it, you don’t want to. So, I’m, done talking. I have a vocal cord that I actually use for my career.”
Tesehki asserted she would protect her family’s name at all costs. Chrisean retaliated, calling Tesehki a liar and accusing her of spinning a narrative.
Tesehki even addressed the situation on her Instagram story when she posted an old livestream claiming Chrisean was faking the allegations. In the video, she, Chrisean, and another woman discussed their experiences regarding childhood trauma, while Chrisean explicitly stated she hadn’t endured similar hardships.
Will Natalie’s intervention facilitate reconciliation, or will the feud persist between Chrisean and Tesehki? Catch the next episode of Baddies Midwest on November 10, 2024.
Edited by Shreya Das
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