Lil Yachty fired back at fans trolling his fashion sense on Twitter, Friday. In doing so, he told users on social media to check themselves before judging his outfits. Yachty had shared several pictures of one of his more colorful looks, earlier in the day.
In response to the fit pic, one user replied: “Bro wearing nursing student scrubs.” Another joked: “Respectfully this sh*t look like what the whovilles from whoville wear.” Yachty eventually shot back: “i be seein some of yall outfits as yall try to judge mine and i be appalled.”
Read More: Lil Yachty Shows Off New Outfit, Twitter Users Unleash Their Jokes
Lil Yachty Speaks At ComplexCon
LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA – NOVEMBER 19: Lil Yachty speaks at ComplexCon 2023 at Long Beach Convention & Entertainment Center on November 19, 2023 in Long Beach, California. (Photo by Kayla Oaddams/Getty Images)
His fashion choices aren’t the only thing that Yachty’s done to warrant backlash on social media as of late. Last month, he argued that hip-hop is in a “terrible place” during an interview at Rolling Stone‘s “Musicians on Musicians” event in Brooklyn, New York. “Hip-hop is in a terrible place,” Yachty said, as noted by Complex. “The state of hip-hop right now is a lot of imitation. It’s a lot of quick, low-quality music being put out.” He continued: “It’s a lot less risk-taking, it’s a lot less originality. People are too safe now. Everyone is so safe. I rather take the risk than take the L.” Many fans on social media and media pundits alike took issue with the remarks. Yachty did, however, admit many artists are pushing the boundaries today and named JID as an example.
Lil Yachty Fires Back At His Haters
Check out Yachty’s latest outfit as well as his response to the backlash to it above. Be on the lookout for further updates on Lil Yachty on HotNewHipHop.
Read More: Lil Yachty Claims Hip Hop’s In A “Terrible Place,” Thinks Artists Play It Too Safe
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