Narmadapuram (Madhya Pradesh): The police claimed to have arrested two youths for snatching a wallet from a woman on her way from Bachhwara to her home in Malakhedi on Saturday. The police also recovered the looted goods, a knife and a motorcycle from the youths identified as Sarthak Gaur (21), resident of Balaganj Hall in Chandan Nagar and Rakesh Keer (22), resident of Tamcharu under Babai police station, the police said.
A 39-year-old woman Kiran Bisoria, resident of Malakhedi and Anganwadi worker, lodged a complaint on Wednesday that she was returning home from Bachhwara to her home in Malakhedi with her brother-in-law, husband’s brother, on Sunday night. As soon as they reached toll Naka on Babai road, two bikers came from behind and gave her a slap.
They snatched a bag containing Rs 800 and a mobile phone and other documents. After snatching the bag, they sped away. She also said that she was so scared after the incident that she did not want to lodge a complaint. She then went to the police station with her husband TejramDisoria and brother-in-law Abhishek.
As soon as she lodged the complaint, the superintendent of police Gurkaran Singh instructed the officials to form a team and laid their hands on the criminals.
Two tractor-trolleys confiscated
Tehsildar DevshankarDhurve confiscated two tractor-trolleys near Satraste area, official sources said. Both the tractor-trolleys were parked on the premises of the Kotwali police station. Although digging out sand from closed mines has been banned, the sand mafias have started digging and transporting sand through tractor-trolleys. The Tehsildar confiscated two tractor-trolleys carrying illegally mined sand.
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