Actor Mithil Jain, who was last seen in the TV show Shubh Labh, is all set to enter the show Keh Doon Tumhein. The actor will be seen playing a cop, but in a negative role. Mithil, who has played diverse roles in TV shows including Ye Hai Mohabbatein and Begusarai, shares how he enjoys playing the baddie on TV.
Mithil says, “I am glad that TV shows are now attempting different stories and have newer concepts. My last show Shubh Labh was a family drama, but it had a beautiful message on superstitions and age-old beliefs in society. Keh Doon Tumhein is also a show which is different and not a regular family drama. I am playing a cop who will portray negative shades. He will create a lot of trouble in Kirti (Yukti Kapoor) and Vikrant’s (Mudit Nayar) lives.”
Mithil adds, “It is important to be part of shows with different concepts. I am glad that makers are working on other genres and not just family dramas. As actors, it is important for us to grab interesting roles. I had been auditioning for different roles but things had to fall in place. Keh Doon Tumhein is a murder mystery and I am glad that I got to play an interesting role in it.”
On the personal front, Mithil had taken a break after Shubh Labh got over. He says, “I went on a holiday to Bali with my family. We had a great time on the beaches and got to know the local culture. We are vegetarians and thought it would be a bit tough to find vegetarian options. But we had a great time exploring the food there and the place. It was also a gift to my elder son, who did very well in his board exams.”
In an earlier interview, Mithil had said, “In the future, I want to play a cop. In the past, I have done comedy and negative roles and feel that they give a lot of scope for an actor to perform. I have also done theatre, but a cop role will give me an opportunity to do heavy stunts in the show.”
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