Over $151,000 worth of counterfeit brand-name handbags destined for Newark were seized after they had been shipped from China.
The U.S. Customs and Border Protection said their Wilmington agents inspected 26 bags that had arrived in a shipment on September 4, eventually detaining the bags for further investigation.
Officials at the Consumer Products and Mass Merchandising Center of Excellence and Expertise analyzed the bags, and confirmed their counterfeit nature.
The bags included brand names including Chanel, Goyard, Gucci, Hermes, Loewe, and Louis Vuitton.
Earlier this month, over 277 counterfeit Lululemon Everywhere Belt Bags were also seized in Delaware from China, which had a street value of $13,000 had they been real.
In fiscal year 2023, CBP made nearly 20,000 seizures, with a genuine retail value of over $2.76 billion.
According to their website, CBP seizes $6.6 million worth of counterfeit products daily, along with 2,339 pounds of drugs, including 78 pounds of fentanyl, and $182,998 in fake currency.
“Unscrupulous vendors that peddle counterfeit consumer goods continue to place their profits over your health and safety. Customs and Border Protection urges you to protect your families by purchasing authentic consumer products from reputable retailers,” said Erik Kelling, CBP’s Port Director for the Port of Wilmington.