Baddies Midwest season 6 premiered exclusively on The Zeus Network on November 3, 2024. Season 6 has introduced the viewers to cast members Natalie Nun, Rollie Pollie, Scotty Ryan, Biggie, Latifa, Diamond The Body, Jelaminah, Ahna Mac, and Tinkaabellaaa Williams alongside Jaidyn Alexis and Akbar V.
In the newly released December 1, 2024 episode, Emma reflected on her physical fight with Scotty from the previous episode. Emma stated she was looking forward to partying in the club and not thinking much about what happened between her and Scotty. She said:
“After everything that happened between me and Scotty, I was just really over everything honestly. I just really want to take some shots and just party through. That’s all I really give a f*ck about.”
Since the new season aired, Scotty and Emma have got into conflicts as tensions increased between them. Baddies Midwest episode 6, titled Cider Anyone, was released exclusively on The Zeus Network on December 1, 2024. The episode synopsis reads:
“The Baddies are back – this time bringing it to the Midwest! For some reason, a family-owned cider mill brings the ladies to fisticuffs.”
What happened between Emma and Scotty on Baddies Midwest ?
On Baddies Midwest, episode 6, when Natalie asked the baddies to get ready for their performance, Scotty shared that there had been multiple fights in the villa. Scotty also mentioned she had got into a fight, which Natalie was surprised at.
In episode 5, the new cast member Emma and the OG baddie Scotty got into a physical fight. As fans already know, there have been tensions between the OG and newbies on Baddies Midwest as conflicts arise. When Emma stated that Scotty shouldn’t have been on the show as she was “boring,” Scotty got into an argument with her.
Emma continued stating that Scotty had to prove herself to be well deserving of a spot on the reality TV show. Previously, in episode 4, they both got into a physical altercation after Emma mentioned Scotty couldn’t “entertain” a crowd with her performances.
Scotty told the cameras that she wanted to “address Emma” who had been discussing their beef with other cast members. She continued implying Emma had “ill wishes toward” her, the Baddies Midwest star said:
“I would love to get to know all the girls in the room, but I had to address Emma because, at the end of the day, I’m not gonna sit in a room with somebody who has ill wishes toward me or hates me or feels just some type of way. Like, what’s up?”
Later in the episode, Scotty confronted the Baddies Midwest cast member Emma, and the latter called her out for having “the same personality every season.” She said:
“Okay. What I was telling them was that you had the same personality every season. I had no choice but to go off by that.”
These arguments and verbal altercations turned to a physical fight in episode 5. The upcoming episode 7 will reveal whether the two will get back on good terms or not.
All six episodes of Baddies Midwest are available to stream on The Zeus Network. Viewers can follow the cast members on their official Instagram accounts.
Edited by Prem Deshpande
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