HYDERABAD: A burglar, identified as Babbadu Abhilash (29), posing as a food delivery partner, was arrested by the Miyapur police on Thursday. The police recovered 26 tolas gold, 300 gm silver and two bikes, all worth Rs 16 lakh. Police revealed that the accused was involved in 20 such cases in Miyapur, Chandanagar, KPHB and Gachibowli limits. As per his confession, the accused has been robbing houses for the past two years.
Abhilash, a mechanical engineering dropout, wanted to earn easy money and took to committing property offences, the police said. He chooses apartments where the security is weak and enters the building posing as a delivery partner. If someone asked him his identity, he would say that he was delivering a food order to a resident.
He selected locked houses that used bolted locks, broke into it and steal jewellery and carry the broken lock with him.In this regard, the police have issued an advisory to the people alerting them to lock their doors with a central locking system. Flat owners are asked to arrange proper security staff to verify delivery partners before they enter the premises.
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