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Zipcicle is a family-owned, US-based small business established in 2009 that specializes in family-friendly ice pop mold sleeves. 

Promising reviews: “These work great and do not leak. I fill them up, seal them, and stand them up in a cup in the freezer so they can freeze straight. We have made banana Nutella and orange creamsicle so far. I have a tiny wire brush for our metal straws, so I use that to clean these after each use.” —mary kalesse

I purchased these to make wine ice pops! They did NOT disappoint! I used Pinot Grigio, peach Waterloo and frozen peaches. Pulsed the one and the peaches in my blend tech blender. Added the Waterloo. Froze them. They were a hit!” —Noevlie

Get a set of 100 from Zipcicle on Amazon for $14.99

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