“Baddies” is a reality TV series about the lives of a group of young women, many of whom gained notoriety from the popular show “Bad Girls Club.” The Zeus series, which premiered back in 2021, provides an intimate look at cast members’ daily interactions, as they cohabit and navigate their new careers, often resulting in explosive viral confrontations.
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Each season unfolds in a different location, ranging from Atlanta, Georgia, to the various cities on either coasts. The latest buzz surrounding the show is its Caribbean spin-off auditions which premiered in March. These auditions have renewed viewers’ interests in the show and, and the casts’ behavior has garnered viral attention to secure a spot on the show, and win a $5,000 prize. Here are some of the wildest moments from the series show far.
5. ‘American Idol’ Has Nothing On This Super Cringe Audition
Remember back in the day when part of the fun was simply watching random contestants try anything to get a break on TV? Well, the “Baddies” are happy to reboot this tradition and transport viewers right back to the early 2000s.
The Laugh Took Me Tf Out 😭😭😭 #BaddiesCaribbeanAuditions pic.twitter.com/kVqnsa7BYQ
— NICKI ON TOP (@redrubyicon) March 18, 2024
[Via redrubyicon]
4. This Eliminated Contestant Deserves A Second Chance
How are you going to eliminate somebody for being too excited? This is a direct letter to the CEO of the Zeus Network, we demand justice for our sweetheart who got the chop too soon!
Give this sweetheart 5k forget the ticket 🥹🫶🏾 #BaddiesCaribbean#BaddiesCaribbeanAuditions pic.twitter.com/MdVLROtMrm
— Jessicamarie💜💫 (@jessycakesxoxo) March 18, 2024
[Via jessycakesxoxo]
3. Natalie Reminds The Contestants Why She’s The Host
Honestly, I haven’t seen a reality TV show host get this heated since Tyra Banks. Indeed, Natalie was not afraid to debunk the rumors that she couldn’t fight herself.
Idc what ya’ll say Natalie cleared her #BaddiesCaribbeanAuditions #BaddiesCaribbean pic.twitter.com/b7UAC5WooU
— icenika (@iceenika) March 17, 2024
[Via iceenika]
2. A Contestant Tries Attacking The Judging Panel, And It Instantly Backfires
There’s a weird sense of family on the “Baddies” — Natalie is indeed the mother hen figure to the girls. Jumping to her defense after being attacked by a contestant, this future baddie really earned her “golden ticket” onto the show.
The ass beating should’ve been longer but that’s just my opinion #BaddiesCaribbeanAuditions #BaddiesCaribbean pic.twitter.com/6b8uJjMrvF
— icenika (@iceenika) March 17, 2024
[Via iceenika]
1. This Contestant Gave Zero F—ks About Making It Onto The Show
Nothing is better than a reality show contestant who plays be her own rules. When asked to slap a contestant much taller than her, this potential baddie let them know she wasn’t about to square up against a girl much taller than her.
This is starting to become embarrassing to watch. #BaddiesCaribbean #BaddiesCaribbeanAuditions pic.twitter.com/2L9G7wXyiL
— Adrian (@JTStixx) March 18, 2024
[Via JTStixx]
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