Rinoka Ishitsuka from Tokyo, Japan lives the typical everyday life of any six-year-old who attends primary school, does her homework and plays at the park. Except…
She is also the world’s youngest club DJ (female) and her artist name is “DJ Rinoka”!
The little girl achieved the record title when she was 6 years and 155 days old by performing at a club in front of over 100 music fans.
To break this Guinness World Records title, she had to play a music set unattended for a full hour – thankfully, her show lasted around 70 minutes.
Watch her perform at the busy club in Meguro, Tokyo, Japan:
Rinoka’s fascination with DJing started when she saw a video of another talented female DJ on YouTube. She instantly got inspired and decided she wanted to be like her.
“Santa got me the DJ kit I asked for, so I started learning how to use it!” she told us giddily.
In her own words, what she loves about DJing is the ability to make “a loud sound”, whilst the hardest part is “connecting the songs”.
DJ Rinoka uses the professional equipment XDJ-Rx3, a 2-channel performance all-in-one DJ system.
When she’s not attending school or DJing, she takes hip-hop and jazz dance lessons or plays at the park close to her house, where she often has picnics with her family and has fun collecting insects.
She also likes skateboarding and, recently, she started learning to play the keyboard.
Know a kid who’d love this story? We’ve got a special version just for them on our kids’ website!
About her record-breaking achievement, she commented: “Playing for over an hour was hard, but I am so happy to have made it!”
When we asked her what she wants to be when she grows up, Rinoka said: “I want to be a cool artist and a DJ. This is what I said in my kindergarten graduation video too!”
In the future, I would like to tour the world as the youngest DJ and perform at big music festivals.
Rinoka is a little girl with big dreams, and we hope they all come true.
Welcome to the Guinness World Records family, DJ Rinoka!
And if you’re wondering about the youngest club DJ (male), that’s Archie Norbury, also known as “DJ Archie“.
He achieved the record title at just 4 years and 130 days of age, and has been performing in nightclubs around the globe alongside his DJ dad John Norbury.
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