This falls under the category of “Mind your *!#?@& business.”
Fox29’s Good Day Philadelphia co-host Alex Holley, has been confronted by internet trolls who seem to have a problem with…. her hair.
Credit: Fox29 Philadelphia

On August 11, Holley was at the Good Day Philly desk alongside her co-host Mike Jerrick, rocking her brown dual-toned box braids. Apparently a few of her viewers were displeased and felt compelled to tell her so on Twitter (‘X’).
The conversation thread expanded when she was asked why she chose to even respond to the rude commenters:
This is part of a bigger issue.
This is a mere snippet of a much larger conversation that needs to be had more often about the bull**** black women working in corporate America have to deal with – especially when it comes to our hair. As she said herself, it’s about culture.
Whether it comes from management, co-workers, customers, or in this case, viewers, black women are much more subjected to judgment, criticism, or even penalties when we choose to wear hairstyles that aren’t deemed “professional.” Oftentimes this means wearing our hair in its natural state. It’s beyond ridiculous. But it’s not new.
Photo by Good Faces on Unsplash
I say “we” as a black woman who has also worn protective style box braids, many times. It’s a popular protective style option for black women during the hot summer months.
And by the way, this isn’t the first time Holley’s rocked her protective styles. Where has everybody been?
And another thing! Her braids look AMAZING. And in the face of this ridiculous criticism, she still handles it with grace and class.
All of that being said…
Alex Holley is one of the most accomplished, talented, beautiful, beloved journalists in the entire country, no matter how she decides to style HER hair. I’m convinced she would still look 10 times better than her keyboard courage internet haters if her hair was green. They would be lucky if she even glanced in their direction.
Continue to slay, Alex! These haters have nothing on ya.
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