Jade Cargill’s signing with the WWE is big news, but there are only certain women worthy of being her first feud.
Jade Cargill becoming a WWE superstar was huge news in the wrestling community. Whether or not AEW handled her is a matter of opinion. That being said, World Wrestling Entertainment made it a point to give Jade the introduction worthy of a superstar and she hasn’t had her first WWE match yet.
Cargill has mega-star written all over her. She works hard, she’s talented and gorgeous, and when she talks, you need to listen. This is why the WWE is making her presence known. They’re aware that she’s destined for great things. It’s also why (as this article is being written) she hasn’t had a big feud yet. When she does, it must be handled with care. That’s why these seven superstars are the only people who should kickstart her career and why one of them should be slow-rolled.
6. Tiffany Stratton
Tiffany Stratton has it all. She’s athletic, beautiful, young, and knows how to be hatable. She’s already shown that her gimmick doesn’t stop her from being great. Back in the day, attractive women wrestlers weren’t known for being hardcore wrestlers. Stratton has proven this to be an old, tired trope. Especially after her Extreme Rules Match with Becky Lynch (NXT No Mercy).
A Stratton vs. Cargill feud puts two of the “baddies” against each other. Jade is still a little green when it comes to performing in the ring. Having someone like Tiffany Stratton go against her first will help her progress as an in-ring performer. It also builds her anticipation if she starts at NXT and then moves to the main roster. Stratton will be there soon as well and they’ll meet again.