Guavas and kiwis and strawbs… oh my! The Tutti Frutti is no ordinary manicure; it actually involves three-dimensional nail art. A move away from clean girl nails, the Tutti Frutti is zesty, ornate and tipped to be this summer’s hottest nail trend.
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The Tutti Frutti trio
The Tutti Frutti trend comes in three forms: the mono-fruit (think a mani that pays tribute to mangoes); the multi-fruit (say, cherries and berries); and the fruit salad (when each nail is dedicated to a different fruit). If the mono-fruit is the best option for minimalists and the second is explosively colourful, the fruit salad is the most detailed and intricate, with professional builder gel (which is often deployed to strengthen and lengthen natural nails) used to create the illusion of juicy segments of citrus or the criss-cross of pineapple skin. Interested in the process? Take a look at TikTok to learn more. A skilled manicure if ever we saw one.
The mono-fruit manicure
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The multi-fruit manicure
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The fruit salad manicure
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