Oct. 27, 2023 11:45 am ET
THE BIGGEST SCANDAL on the set of the latest “Real Housewives of New York” reunion taping in September wasn’t a catty confessional interview or backstabbing dinner conversation. It was a pair of Levi’s. Jenna Lyons, one of the franchise’s new faces and the former creative director of J.Crew, broke with unspoken “Housewives” reunion protocol and eschewed frippery, instead wearing a blazer, sheer top and jeans.
“The women normally go all out with rhinestones, feathers and gowns to the floor,” said Brian Moylan, author of 2021’s “The Housewives.” Lyons’s outfit triggered fan furor on social media. As Moylan explained, “For Jenna to wear jeans seemed like [she was] disrespecting the level of effort it takes to be a Housewife.”
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