Baby Tate Shouts Out Numerous Female Rap Legends In New Freestyle

On The Radar freestyles have increasingly become the place for rappers to show off their raw talent. Most notably, Drake and Central Cee teamed up for a collaborative freestyle that made waves last year. But tons of rappers from major names down to the newest up and comers have taken the chance to show off their lyrics and flow on the platform. The most recent is Baby Tate, who has already been impressing fans for years with her versatility.

In her new freestyle, she chose to pay tribute to many of the female rappers and singers who have influenced her. She weaves together a pretty tight series of bard shouting out one great woman in music after another. Nicki Minaj, Rihanna, Missy Elliott, Lil Kim, and more all come up through the course of her freestyle. In the comments, fans loved the approach she took. “’m loving it. The homage she’s paying to the greats #Respect” one comment agrees. Others focus on Tate’s own abilities with comments like “She’s so fire!! talented with the music, singing, dancing, etc.. Let’s focus on the talent going forward.” Check out the freestyle below.

Read More: Baby Tate Responds To Fans Claiming Similarities To Nicki Minaj’s Rap Style

Baby Tate Pays Homage In Her On The Radar Freestyle

Baby Tate plays a small but pretty important role in a song that went massively viral across the past 6 months. She teamed up with JID and 21 Savage for the track “Surround Sound” which landed on JID’s 2022 album The Forever Story. While the song was a fan-favorite right out of the gate it didn’t really catch fire until it became the soundtrack to a TikTok challenge last year. That led the song to eventually go platinum and it currently sits at nearly 500 million streams on Spotify.

What do you think of Baby Tate shouting out pioneering women in rap and music at large in her On The Radar freestyle? What’s your favorite On The Radar freestyle so far? Let us know in the comment section below.

Read More: Baby Tate “Presents” To You “Sexploration: The Musical” EP


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