Samantha Ruth Prabhu recently took to her Instagram handle and posted about what she is doing during her ongoing acting break. She shared a series of pictures, which include photos of her pets and the actress working out. It might have been great for her fans to catch a glimpse of their favorite star through social media, especially at a time when Samantha has taken an acting break.
The series of pictures shared by the popular actress was all about self-love. She looked her absolute best as she shared her nail art and fun time with her pets. The actress also skipped the trailer launch event for her forthcoming release, Kushi. For the uninitiated, the Shiva Nirvana directorial will feature her alongside Vijay Deverakonda. Samantha has shared with her fans many candid moments of her downtime, and her new Instagram story was one more such moment.
She also shared a picture of herself journaling in her latest Instagram story. In the shared picture, Samantha can be seen journaling. She captioned, “The GAG Method (Goals, Affirmations, Gratitude): It’s worth finding a method of gratitude journaling that works for you. Her recent post was all about self-love and spending some me time. The actress seems to be doing her best during this break.
Samantha is having a lot of fun during her breaktime
Samantha is currently on an acting break
Vijay Deverakonda mentioned during Kushi audio launch that the film’s makers wanted to wait for Samantha while she was recovering. On the professional front, she has Kushi coming up. The film is expected to be a commercial entertainer that will bring back the focus to romantic comedies, which is a genre that is not as successful as it used to be. The film’s trailer was raved about mainly due to the fantastic chemistry that its two lead actors shared in it.
Along with Kushi, Samantha also has Citadel coming up. The series will be the Indian installment of the American series of the same name. Varun Dhawan will also star in the series, which will have Samantha reuniting with her The Family Man 2 team. Her performance in that series was unanimously acclaimed when it was released a few years ago.
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