Mumbai: A 20-year-old man who was allegedly involved in a daylight robber in Uttar Pradesh was arrested from a slum in MIDC, Andheri (east), early Saturday. The arrested man, Chandan Kamlesh Paswan who hails from Jharkhand, had been staying in a rented room which he had managed to procure through an acquaintance, had been camping in the city for over a month, said the Mumbai police.
In Mumbai, Paswan had been doing odd jobs in Mumbai since he reached here.He was paying a monthly rent of Rs 3,000 for the small accommodation in the slum colony, the police said.
Deputy commissioner of police Dutta Nalawade said they had received information about currently living in the city and wanted in connection with some crime in Uttar Pradesh.
Paswan has been handed over to the Uttar Pradesh police, said officials of Mumbai police.
On September 12, four armed robbers on two motorbikes had opened fire on a cash delivery van and fired at employees in Mirzapur district before escaping with a metal box and a bag containing cash. The amount that was taken away was estimated to be around Rs 39 lakh. A security guard who was on duty withe cash devliery personnel had been in the firing incident.
Paswan was one of the shooters in the robbery and murder case, the Mumbai police have said. “Paswan, who has studied up to class XII, had been paid his share of the booty,” said the police.
According to reports soon after the robbery and murder, footage collected from CCTV cameras around the crime spot in Beltar market locality had shown that the cash van guard, Jai Singh, was beside the cash-containing vault kept in the can when the four men, all wearing helmets, reached there. One of them fired at the guard who slumped to the ground and later died due to the injuries that he had sustained. Two cashiers who were also on duty rushed to the guard’s aid when the robbers also fired at them, snatched the cash kept in a box and in a bag escaped. A passer-by had tried to intercept them but the robbers robbers fired at him and fled. Ten police teams had been formed to arrest robbers.
We also published the following articles recently
Ankit Tiwari, an ED officer from Tamil Nadu’s Dindigul, was arrested for taking bribes from a government doctor. Tiwari claimed to have been instructed by the PMO to conduct an inquiry and that the cash was for his superiors. The conversations between Tiwari and Dr T Suresh Babu, who agreed to pay Rs 51 lakh, were recorded. Tiwari has been booked under the Prevention of Corruption Act based on a complaint by the doctor.
The Mumbai crime branch has arrested the main accused in the drug manufacturing factory in Solapur. Kiran Kumar Birajdar, who was a partner in the manufacturing firm, has been taken into custody. Birajdar’s name came up during the investigation, and the police obtained a production warrant to take him into custody from Solapur jail. He is the partner of the three previously arrested accused and had provided the MD production lab equipment. The police had raided a factory in the Shree Shenky Industrial area in Solapur, seizing drugs and raw materials. Rahul Gawli’s brother and Kailasm Vanmali were also arrested.
A 20-year-old guest worker from Bihar was murdered near Thoppur in Madurai district of Tamil Nadu. The worker, J Subaskumar Basvan, was stabbed to death by armed robbers. His fellow worker, B Sannikumar Basvan, was also injured in the attack. The incident occurred while the workers were walking back to their place of stay after buying groceries. The police have registered a murder case and are making efforts to trace the accused.
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