Wheel Of Time’s Davina Lamont Explains Why Hair Was Her Biggest Struggle For Season 2

Loial is a character who has been interpreted in a lot of different ways with fan art and all that. How did you come up with the hair part of his design?

Well, there hasn’t been much change from Season 1. I wasn’t part of Season 1, so what I wanted to do with him is also show that he is changing because he’s on the road. He hasn’t gone home. It was adding in a beard for him and tweaking the hair slightly. There hasn’t been too much of a change when it comes to his look. It’s impressive enough that he’s in the chair for four hours with the prosthetic department, so he’s good.

Do you have a particular episode, hairstyle-wise, that you’re excited for fans to see?

Yes — going forward, these are huge. I am really happy or proud of Egwene in Episode 5, so I can’t wait for the fans to see this scene. It is dramatic, and it blows my mind the effect of what she has achieved in the scene. Once the fans all see this, they’ll understand why I like it so much.

Then, of course, there’s stuff that I can’t talk about yet. But in Episode 8 — the finale — there are some amazing hairpieces in this one, so I’m excited for people to see that.

What is your favorite part of the Robert Jordan universe now that you’ve worked in it?

I love the fact that it’s a challenge every single script. I can’t wait to get the scripts. I know that I haven’t read the books, but I’ve been reading the scripts, and I’ve got a lot out of everybody else telling me what’s inside the books. I love the fact that he builds these different universes, and the fact that I get to create them is … I am humbled by it.

The first three episodes of Season 2 of “The Wheel of Time” are available to stream on Prime Video. The remaining episodes will premiere on Fridays through October 6, 2023.

This interview has been edited for clarity.

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